Hello friends!
I'm so excited to have you on the Raga Singing Course - Unlock Your Voice!
Before we start I have some important questions:
A few people said Thursday would be a better day for the class, so I'd like to switch it to Thursday at 6pm (PST) if possible. Will that work for you? If it doesn't work for the majority, I will take that into consideration. No matter the day of the live class, there will be recordings of everything that you will have access to indefinitely.
Please answer by Tuesday evening at 6pm Vancouver time, so I can let everyone know the time and send out the zoom link for the first class.
What is the best day and time for you?
a. Wednesday 6pm Vancouver Time b. Thursday 6pm Vancouver Time c. Thursday 4pm Vancouver Time
2. What level of singer to you consider yourself to be?
a. Beginner b. Intermediate c. Advanced
I look forward to seeing you soon!!
Much love,