What a journey...
Hello friends,
Thank you to all who have attended live and watched the replays of my Raga Singing for Transformation free mini-course.
The feedback that I have received has been very positive!
I had so many requests to leave the replays up a little longer, so they are still there... (for now 😉)
The class starts tomorrow and we still have space if any last minute stragglers want to join us, you are most welcome (Link below)
If you won't be in the class, I just wanted to say thank you for joining me on this journey and I hope that it was valuable and helpful to you.
If you could take 2 minutes and answer a 2 question survey it would be amazing and really help me out.
Short Survey
I hope you see some of you in the future.
Best wishes, Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday! Much love,
Prosad |