Subject: Sitar Meditation and House Concert - 3 days to go...

Hello friends from around the world!

There are still a few tickets left to be there in person for my small meditation and house concert, please sign up today if you'd like to come.

There are lots of spaces available online, instructions on how to reserve your spot are below.

If anyone would like to come, but has financial barriers, you can give a donation of whatever works for you and we'll find a spot for you. Please get in touch directly for this option.

I've been playing a lot of sitar lately and it really is such a powerful healing and meditation tool. I can't wait to share it with you along with some stories and guided meditations. I look forward to seeing you there!


On Saturday March 12th I will be having a small and intimate gather at my home to share beautiful and meditative sitar music as well as leading some guided meditations.

The purpose is to bring us together, sooth the mind, provide relief from stress and to awaken the inner joy that we all possess at every moment so that we can radiate love and positivity into the world.

Seating will be on the floor so please bring a mat or cushion and whatever you need to feel comfortable.

We will serve tea, so if you have tea you love, feel free to bring it with you.

There are limited spaces available for in person listening (around 10-12 spaces).

AND I will also be live-streaming the concert through zoom.

Tickets are $30 CAD for those attending in person and $20 USD for those attending online. The links are below.

If anyone cannot afford the price but wishes to come, please contact me directly.

If anyone is doing very well and can afford to pay a little more, that is always appreciated as this is how I make my living, so it will support me to make more music and also for others to attend who may be struggling.

House Concert featuring Sitar and Guided Meditation

Saturday March 12th 5-7pm
Near Shawnigan Lake

(45min from Victoria on Vancouver Island)
Address provided upon payment

Limited Space (10-12 spaces)

Tickets $30 CAD in person 

Please send an etransfer to with the name/s of those attending

$20 USD to watch online via zoom.
Follow this link to purchase online tickets:

If you are a group on zoom, purchasing one ticket for 2 or 3 people is okay with me. If you have the means and can purchase a ticket for each person attending, that is also okay. I trust you and I trust the universe that it will work out perfectly. Thank you :)

Follow the Event on Facebook for more details:

I hope to see you all soon and that this music and meditation will bring peace, strength, joy, hope and encouragement into your life.

Much love and see you soon,

Prosad Freeman

We will experience beautiful fellowship, group meditation and ancient raga music guaranteed to facilitate inner peace and higher states of consciousness.

All welcome, no pass needed.

Let's awaken love and send it around the globe.

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