Subject: As His Royal Offspring, Jesus is who YOU can become

"Jesus came to show us what we could be" - Chief Prophet Tala Price

Jesus is who YOU could be! As Chief Prophet Tala discusses in this video, we must first have God's logic to resume where we left off with the first Adam.

Do you need support in overcoming Satan's attack on your God Logic? Do you want to discover who you are supposed to be? Partner with Chief Prophet Tala Price, the senior destiny specialist today!

Featured advisor: As a minister with over 20 years of experience assessing, cultivating, and treating the issues of the soul that adversely affect personal development, Dr. Tala has mentored many into destiny fulfillment which is one of her primary passions.

Get 10% OFF Chief Prophet Tala's services until MIDNIGHT TONIGHT. Code: CHIEFTALA. BOOK your session today!

Partner with Chief Prophet Tala
Partner with Chief Prophet Tala

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