Subject: Press Accreditation for the 41st Cambridge Film Festival

CFF41 is coming very soon!

a celebration of cinema

CFF41 Dates Trailer

Press accreditations for the 41st Cambridge Film Festival

A little later than we would have liked! We're pleased to say that we are now accepting applications for press accreditation for this year's Cambridge Film Festival.

We can offer press accreditation to a limited number of journalists across media. 

Press Accreditation includes*:

  • Admission to screenings (tickets can be reserved on the day of the screening)

  • Admission to special events

  • Access to event guests

  • Festival Brochure

*subject to availability.

Please note that we do not charge for press accreditation and encourage applications from blogs. While we cannot provide accreditation to everyone who applies, we will assess all applications before allocating passes.

Cambridge Film Festival is presented by Cambridge Film Trust, a registered charity with a mission to foster film culture and education for the benefit of the public, in Cambridge and the Eastern region but also throughout the UK

By becoming a Friend or Patron of Cambridge Film Festival you support not only the UK’s third longest-running film festival but also a year-round programme of activity and events bringing the best British and independent international cinema to Cambridge.