Subject: Project Management Companion June Newsletter 2019

Hi Team,
Welcome to the June 2019 Project Management Companion Newsletter where we value your subscription. The contents of this newsletter are only for subscribers and is not available to readers of our posts, so we hope you find the information both entertaining and valuable as you progress through your project management journey. Our subscribers also have access to any early information regarding project management, monthly quizzes, have you tried one?, was it too easy? another will follow in early July. So if we haven’t said it before or enough times, thanks again for taking the time out to send us your details, it is greatly appreciated.
We hope you enjoy this newsletter, this month’s issue discusses management styles, which one do you use? what affects productivity, some uncomfortable truths about project management and much more. We hope you enjoy this issue and if there is something you would like to ask or see covered, please don't hesitate to let us know at
Happy reading.

Projects affected by Productivity obstruction
Project team’s productivity can be influenced by a number of items which can affect the business and project outcomes. It is the project manager’s responsibility to identify these obstructions and keep resources on track. The project is in risk of falling behind, with deadlines impacted and, leaving teams scrambling to deal with the consequences.

A distracted workplace can cost more than a team’s productivity; it is likely to affect the organisations bottom line as well. If resources are focused on something other than their job, this will result in lost productivity in terms of billions each year. If this is the case within your team, then there are a number of factors to consider and how they can be resolved.
Technology Issues
Technology is in place to assist employees with being more efficient and effective in their functions, but according to recent studies, has found that distractions occur because of technology and connectivity issues. To alleviate this, it is best to have team members use effective tools for project management and collaboration. Tools which will assist in the performing the job well where they can learn and leverage from those tools.
Surveys are a good source for determining where the obstructions are located. Once known adjustments can be made, as it is easy to get distracted by high level issues and disregards the daily time consumers that cost productivity.

Take your complex projects and make them simple for people on your team by using these intuitive collaborative Project Management software tools from either, Wrike, Proworkflow and Smart Sheet. The Project Management Companion team has used each of these online tools and they have proven to be effective and useful when running projects, we cannot separate them so the choice is yours.
Start a trial run on each and then choose for yourself, you won’t be disappointed, as they each provide all the necessary tools for your teams, effective for small to medium sized organizations, take your team efficiency to a new level.
Why Agile Teams Fail
People interact and drive the day to day strategy, operations and tactic which provide the life line for every institution. Nonetheless, people especially regular employees are not accorded the respect, nor given proper treatment in most environments they work.
Now, people are found at all levels of an organization and play different roles with varying responsibilities that either places them as leaders or as followers. Apparently not all leaders are leaders, however the reality remains, most organizations fail at Agility adoption because of leadership ideologies. Here are some reasons why agile teams may fail;
1. Wrong people in the right position.
2. Entrenchment factor.
3. Understanding of concept.
4. Politics of Things (POT)
5. Ecosystem readiness.

Project Management Styles
Some Project Management uncomfortable truths
Project Management Templates, Enhance your project management skills with PMBOK based Project Management Templates.
All of the PM templates are developed by PMP certified Project Managers with extensive project management experience. The templates are organized according to PMBOK process group. Templates are one step in the how to project management process and perhaps the easiest way to learn all about project management. All templates are provided digitally were you can download, modify and use as needed or share with your colleagues and friends.
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