Subject: Project Management Companion January 2021 Newsletter

Project Management Companion January 2021 Newsletter
Welcome to our first monthly newsletter for 2021, this year we hope to bring you more informative project management updates, and help you in any way we can along your project management journey.

As a valued subscriber, the team at PMC would like to keep you up-to-date with all the latest project management information. We encourage direct contact, so if you have a particular project management interest, we would be more than happy to oblige by investigating it for you and providing feedback

Please find this months most popular posts, focusing on stakeholder management, without their support, many projects don't get any traction. We hope you find these or any other posts found on our website of interest. We look forward to your feedback.

All the very best with your projects

The team from Project Management Companion.
Project Manager role enhanced by Artificial Intelligence.
The future is here, we hear that almost daily, how can the future help the humble project manager, should project managers fear the onset of Artificial Intelligence?(AI). Some fear the role of the Project Manager may be eliminated as AI becomes more prevalent in the workplace. Should that really be the case? or can AI help in delivering projects.

AI can be seen as an opportunity in creating new opportunities, allowing the Project Manager to transform their role to focus on more critical and crucial responsibilities.

AI in the business world is something of an open door, a new avenue to take and is less threatening than when it was first interpreted. As it refers more to robotic functions such as operations, data collection,

Lessons learnt from working remotely
Conducting projects in 2020 was a real challenge in 2020 and is set to continue in 2021. Delivering projects from the confines of the home environment provided new ways to ensure project success, many myths of remote working have been debunked during the pandemic. One involved productivity, it was proven that people have been more productive while working remotely that when working within the office environment.

Enter the Project Management Companion Video VAULT for up to the minute news, reviews and advice from Project Management professionals like you from around the world. Watch insights from proven project management professionals, who can assist you in keeping up to date with new and innovative ways to manage projects.
If your chosen career path is of a project manager then it is imperative to be certified, obtain the necessary skills via qualified instructors in their field and achieve the credentials which will benefit your professional development. Online courses offer the opportunity to study at your own pace, while still working or progressing with other activities, get qualified in fundamentals, PMP, software and much more.
Take your complex projects and make them simple for people on your team by using these intuitive collaborative Project Management software tools. The Project Management Companion team has used each of these online tools and they have proven to be effective and useful when running projects, we cannot separate them so the choice is yours. 

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