Subject: Project Management Companion December 2020 Newsletter

Project Management Companion December 2020 Newsletter
Welcome to our monthly newsletter, as a valued subscriber, the team at PMC would like to keep you up-to-date with all the latest project management information. We encourage direct contact, so if you have a particular project management interest, we would be more than happy to oblige by investigating it for you and providing feedback

It has indeed been a very strange year, and although working remotely, we believe that we deserve a well earned break. Although the world of project management doesn't ever really stop we hope you enjoy some of our articles. 

Take care during the festive period and we trust that 2021 will be better for all of us.

In the mean time please find this months most popular posts, focusing on steps to ensure project success, we hope you find these or any other posts found on our website of interest. We look forward to your feedback.

All the very best with your projects

The team from Project Management Companion.
The operation of effective leadership in a project board comprised of executive, sponsor, senior user and suppliers is essential for the success of the project outcome. Although their role can be demanding, combining responsibility for business as usual operations with operational improvement and developing new products/services.

To understand how project board members, need to face these challenges, the following should be considered:

  • What should projects expect from the project board?
  • What should the project board expect from project managers?
  • How does the project leadership delegate and still retain control?
  • What kind of decisions are the project leaders expected to make?
  • What is the composition of an effective project board?

It is the skill of a project manager which dictates how they manage multiple projects at once and successfully deliver each. It is definitely a juggling act as every action taken in one project needs to feed into the next with fluidity and poise, and when done right, a skilled portfolio manager can make it seem like no trouble at all. However, one mistake can have a water ripple effect and it can all come crashing down.

Managing multiple projects at once, formally known as portfolio management, is a technique that can be cultivated and mastered. Portfolio managers must be able to prioritize tasks within projects, monitor their team’s performance, and allocate their resources effectively.

Enter the Project Management Companion Video VAULT for up to the minute news, reviews and advice from Project Management professionals like you from around the world. Watch insights from proven project management professionals, who can assist you in keeping up to date with new and innovative ways to manage projects.
If your chosen career path is of a project manager then it is imperative to be certified, obtain the necessary skills via qualified instructors in their field and achieve the credentials which will benefit your professional development. Online courses offer the opportunity to study at your own pace, while still working or progressing with other activities, get qualified in fundamentals, PMP, software and much more.
Take your complex projects and make them simple for people on your team by using these intuitive collaborative Project Management software tools. The Project Management Companion team has used each of these online tools and they have proven to be effective and useful when running projects, we cannot separate them so the choice is yours. 

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