Subject: I thought what do I need to hear most, and this is what came to me

Created and edited by Joe Segal & Leonard Segal

Dear Friend

I hope you're enjoying our daily kindness and happiness newsletter!

Life can be very stressful and difficult and is for many of us these days. I've met wonderful people (like you) who have gone through a lot of challenges but make the best of each day the best they can.

I wrote this "letter to myself" recently when I thought about the message I thought that I needed to hear the most right now. I am sharing it with you in the hope that it might helpfully resonate with you. I read it every morning to start my day.

"Good morning, I love you!

You are a good, kind, wonderful person!

The world loves you

It needs you to be healthy, happy, and successful.

It’s okay to be you,

How you were is okay,

How you are is okay and

Whatever you will be is okay.

You are a child of God

and God is the most loving, understanding, and ever-present parent ever.

Please know that all the pain you feel or have felt before is not your fault.

Life’s not about finding fault,

It’s about finding and sharing love!

Today take things one step at a time and you will shine!

Surround yourself with a sphere of loving energy and people.

Eat well. Rest often. Drink lots of refreshing water.

You are enough. What you do and get done is enough!

I love you!

Love yourself.

Accept yourself.

You’re worthy of it."

Please hit reply and let me know if you're enjoying this and these newsletters we write for you and if there are any topics you'd like us to cover in future newsletters.

Here are a couple of great tools to learn how to use the power of manifestation to create your life. I found them to be super inspiring, helpful, and powerful programs.

We are affiliated with them so if you end up buying their books, courses or programs, I hope they will help you make your life better and we will make a small commission which helps us create more emails and content like this! So thank you in advance for helping us grow our kindness newsletter and spread kindness in the world!

Joseph and Leonard Segal
The Kindness Brothers

Have you ever wondered why life feels so difficult sometimes?

This is a Kindness Newsletter.

The one thing I've learned for sure is that kindness has to start with ourselves. So much of this newsletter will be about reminding you what a wonderful, precious person you are to the world and sharing ways for you to be kind, patient, and loving to yourself and then to others.

Everything you need to be happy, healthy, and prosperous
gets unlocked from within you!

Yes, there are reasons external to us that make our lives harder. That is true. I know that, for example, Leonard and I recently lost our 91-year-old mother to Alzheimer's disease. That's made being emotionally stable and positive very difficult. And we all have these types of challenges in our lives, all of us do!

That said, the real crucial block to your living an optimally good and healthy, love-filled life is not outside of you so much as it is within you. It's what happens between your ears that creates what happens between your years! This is true for every human being.

You are powerful!

The only thing powerful enough to keep you from having the great life you dream of is, in fact, you! The good news is that you can grow!

You see, we hold ideas about ourselves from our earliest times as children and young people that become blocks to our happiness and success as adults.

Use This Free Guide To "Overcoming Your Inner Self-Limitations" To Free Yourself!

The stories we tell ourselves about who we are and what we are worthy of determine whether the world and people are safe or not, Our stories determine our actions and the people we surround ourselves with. Actions create our lives. Our crowd and friends impact our opportunities for growth and success.

The inner mental conversations we have every day and night of our lives shape what happens in our lives with money, romance, intimacy, and our health.

You Deserve Kindness! Even From Yourself! Download This Free Lesson

That is why working on reshaping our self-limiting beliefs and creating more self-compassion is so powerful and important! That is why I am offering you a free guide, and journal, which includes a powerful video lesson I designed to help you begin this process, so you can live the great life you want and need.

"You are here for love, and Love is here for you!."

-Joseph Segal

What if more of us could focus on loving kindness and growing positivity in our world together instead of focusing on our differences and negativity online? Would you like to be surrounded by happy friends, family members and co-workers?

Send them here to sign up for this newsletter.

Love is your birthright!
Joseph & Leonard Segal