Subject: Friend, Highest Potential Replay for the Implementation Session

Open and watch the end to merge your Uplift Team.

Dear Friend,

Wow, what a power packed Implementation Session today. Thank you for your questions and your engagement.

Here are some of the topics covered:

  1. I shared a story about how I took in an implant from someone who was very emotional and worried about my dog.  Implants are thought forms that influence our decisions and turn into deeper blockers like Cell Level Memories if left unchecked.

  2. We had questions about how to manage all the Sub Personality teams we have built.

  3. Then we went into how to work with your Success Team to turn around a highly emotionally charged situation using a Zapper.

  4. We worked on gathering memories for the Uplift team.

  5. We covered how to identify the sub-personalities responsible for creating our Upward Pulling Memories.

  6. Then we worked on clearing a Downward Pulling Memory with the Past Perception Revision Process.

  7. Lastly, I guided those who were ready through the White Light Integration Process to merge their Uplift Team.  You can listen to that at the end when you are ready to merge your team.

What:  Highest Potential Program Implementation Session

Where:  Learning Center

Many blessings and much love,


PS The Bonus Session with Marion is next Wednesday 20th October at 12 pm Central.

PPS Next Saturday is an Integration Week so there is no class. Enjoy your time off!

Aryana K. Rollins