Subject: Friend, [Highest Potential Program] replay for Implementation Session

Please join us to get your Success Team and SA Objective built.

Dear Friend,

What a practical and insightful Implementation Session today. Thank you to those of you who were able to join the session live. If you didn't join us please watch the reply if the following resonates with you and you'd like support.

We covered the following.

  1. We went into identifying "Failure" moments with deeper dive questions to uncover your most challenging "failures.'

  2. Then we went through how to find the actual memory if the "failure" was a state of mind.

  3. We then walked through in detail how to set a SA Objective for entering into a True Self aligned friendship.

What:  Highest Potential Program Integration - Get it Done Session

Note:  There is part 1 and part 2 recordings since we changed platforms mid way through the call :).

Where:  Learning Center Access

Many blessings and much love,


Aryana K. Rollins