Subject: [Highest Potential] replay for November Implementation Session

Please watch for inspiration and insights.

Dear Friend,

So wonderful, we have our November Implementation session. As you know we are well into Module 4 and have been discussing how to manage our energy and our thoughts which takes practice.

Here are some topics covered:

  1. The importance of setting "moving towards" objectives and how to transform "what you don't want" to "what you do want."

  2. How to continue the conversation with your inner teams, like Success Team, True Self Alignment Team, Uplift Team, Housecleaning Team and your personal teams.

  3. Breakthroughs and synchronicities shared like the benefit of letting go of an opportunity which can open the door to the next better opportunity.

  4. I revealed a special invitation to Highest Potential 26 which will be a 6 month program focused on manifesting money using the Cybernetic Transposition tools or whatever you want or need.

  5. and more...

What:  Highest Potential Program November Implementation Session

Where: Learning Center Access

I'm looking forward to our Implementation Session and supporting you with where you are at with the work.

Joyful blessings and much love,


PS Next Saturday, November 19th is Lesson 4.  Can you finish your Uplift Team by then? If so, you'll be on track to build your House Cleaning Team which will help you clear blockers in the background. So good, so good!

Aryana K. Rollins