Subject: Highest Potential Program] replay for July Implementation Session

Listen to a medley of insights and guidance.

Dear Friend,

Wowsers what interesting questions we had during the Integration Session. If you weren't able to join us live I highly encourage you to listen especially if the following relates to you.

During the next 2 weeks please completed Building Your Success Team and send me your SA Objective for review....only do this if you want to accomplish your Objective with the course :).

In our July Implementation Session we covered the following.


  1. What to do when you really, really want your SA Objective and there is a lot of evidence and past experiences of not having it.

  2. Managing emotional merging with others.

  3. How to establish healthy boundaries

  4. What to do if you have a UPL that is so low as a self employed person.

    and more...

What:  Highest Potential Program Integration - Get it Done Session

Where: Learning Center Access

Many blessings and much love,


PS Next Saturday, July 9th is our weekend off so no class. Enjoy the break.

Aryana K. Rollins