Subject: [Highest Potential Program] replay for Integration Session

Watch to move your objective forward

Dear Friend,

Our September Integration session was awesome, and you'll love that it is only 32 minutes :).

Here are some of the topics we covered:

  1. We discussed a quote by Dr. Joe Dispenza that we are more powerful than we think and how to overcome emotional habits and addictions of the body.

  2. The female and male brain and how that impacts intention versus surrender.

  3. I reviewed when to set a BA Objective versus an SA Objective.

  4. We discussed how to do a super fast Practice Process. 

What:  Highest Potential Program September Integration - Get it Done Session

Where:  Learning Center Access

Many blessings and much love,


PS Next Saturday is Lesson 7, and it is one of my favorite lessons since you learn how to Increase Luck by Choice and not Chance.

Aryana K. Rollins