Subject: [Highest Potential Program] 15 minutes to Implementation Session

Let's do Practice Process together and get things done!

Dear Friend,

I'm excited about our today's implementation session. I have been working my SA Objective and practicing daily, woo hoo!

As you already know, Module 3 has life-changing opportunities to empower and radically uplevel your performance and the quality of your life.

There's a lot to understand and implement, AND I know you are up for it.

Please take advantage of the Integration session to get the support that will make it much easier to do your assignments. You don't have to do this alone.

Saturday will be a wonderful mix of coaching and an opportunity to complete your assignments.

To get the most out of the Integration Support Session, review your assignments and see which tasks you are dragging your feet. You will get the most value if you work on that.

What:  Highest Potential Program Integration - Get it Done Session

When:  Saturday, August 27th, 2022, at 12 pm Central


Dial-in with phone:  +17069131155. Pin: 161-137-296#

Quick dial (mobile): +17069131155,,161-137-296#

IMPORTANT: If you don't know what you'd like to work on and would like support in identifying how to best use our Implementation Day just turn up and I can help you focus so you get the most out of the day.

Many blessings and much love,


Aryana K. Rollins