Subject: Friend, REMINDER, 15 minutes to Implementation Session

Please join us live to power assist your progress.

Dear Friend,

I'm excited about our Implementation Session today. I know it is Memorial Day weekend for those of you in the United States so you may not be able to come.

If you are available, implementation sessions are a wonderful mix of coaching and time to get your assignments completed.

If you have an idea of what you'd like to work on during our time, please let me know.

To get most of the Implementation Support Session is to go through your assignments and see where you are stuck completing a blocker clearing or finishing your True Self Alignment Team. Bring your form and we can integrate it live on the call.

What:  Highest Potential Program Implementation Session

When:  today, Saturday, May 29th, 2021, at 12 pm Central


Dial-in with phone:  +1-716-273-1030 Pin: 499-048-825#

IMPORTANT: If you don't know what you'd like to work on and would like support in identifying how to best use our Implementation Day just turn up and I can help focus your efforts to prepare for Saturday.

Many blessings and much love,


Aryana K. Rollins