Subject: Friend, No Class Today - Wrapping up Align with True Self

What will you use this Saturday for?

Dear Friend,

Just in case you didn't see the first email I wanted to remind you that we have an integration day today. No class!

How are you getting on with building your True Self Alignment Team? You have two more weeks to wrap up any pending assignments from Module 1 and Module 2 to make way for our next journey into manifesting magic and miracles.

I hope you are getting deeper insights into who you are and how to better love and accept yourself.

Just a quick reminder that this Saturday is an Integration Break.

Here is how to get the most out of this break.

  1. If you have chosen to do a deep dive complete the Past Perception Revision process on your 7 Off-Track experiences.

  2. Complete building your True Self Alignment Team.

I look forward to continuing our work together as we begin Module 3: Create a Success Mindset on June 5th, 2021.

As always, if you'd like my input or have any questions put it on the Facebook group or schedule a private session with me.

Many blessings and much love,


PS Please hit reply and tell me if you want to sign up for the Implementation Session next weekend, May 29th at 12 pm Central.

Aryana K. Rollins