Subject: Friend, Highest Potential 30 minutes to Implementation Session

Please join us live to power assist your progress.

Dear Friend,

I'm excited about our Implementation Session today. I'd like to spend some time helping you build your Uplift Team at least with all your high abundance memories. You can choose to resolve the blockers that are associated with scarcity and fear.

Where are you with finding memories for your Uplift Team. Are you progressing with your SA Objective? Would you like support in building another Special Purpose Subpersonality team? There are so many options at this point in the Highest Potential to deepen what you are learning.

Implementation sessions are a wonderful mix of coaching and time to get your assignments completed.

If you have an idea of what you'd like to work on during our time, please let me know.

To get most of the Implementation Support Session go through your assignments and see where you have been stuck and bring your assignments forms and we can work on it together.

What:  Highest Potential Program Implementation Session

When:  today, October 16th, 2021, at 12 pm Central


Dial-in with phone:  +1-716-273-1030 Pin: 881-931-440#

IMPORTANT: Even if you don't know what you'd like to work on just turn up and you'll get what you need.

Many blessings and much love,


PS The Bonus Session with Marion is next Wednesday 20th October at 12 pm Central. Look for the link next week to join this life changing presentation about Removing Your Mask.

Aryana K. Rollins