Subject: 🦋 [Highest Potential] replay Lesson 4 Stay Aligned Even in Off-Track Environments

Discover the True Self Protocol to powerfully know how to respond in the moment.

Dear Friend,

Today we went into an essential subject; to know what it feels like to be aligned with your True Self; how do you handle people and situations that aren't aligned? 

Here is the thing...

  • It is not about being PERFECT and never getting out of alignment with your True Self.

  • It is more how quickly you recover, align, and course correct.

  • True Self Empowerment is all about you staying in your sovereign creatorship.

In the replay, you'll receive counsel on unveiling the patterns that may cause you to get out of alignment.

One of my favorite tools is the True Self Clarity Process when making a crucial decision.

Please download the Trigger Awareness Process and  True Self Clarity Process and print them before you watch the replay.

What: Power of True Self - Lesson 4: Stay Aligned Even in Off-Track Environments

Where: Replay Learning Center Access

Many blessings,


PS Here is Annita's special offer she shared with you last Saturday.

Aryana K. Rollins
Intuitive Life Strategist
