Subject: 🦋 [Highest Potential] replay Lesson 4 Rip Up the Roots of Cell Memories that Control our Life

Open to watch how to uncover Cell Level Memories so you can make better choices

Dear Friend,

Thank you to each one of you who were able to be live in the class. I was impressed with the questions AND that we were able to go through the Cell Level memory process. Well done!

In this class, you will learn how to release old tapes. The tapes that were the first printing on the brand-new soul that was you.

Welcome to erase the tapes class!

What: Self Mastery & Energy Shielding - Lesson 4: Rip Up the Roots of Cell Memories that Control our Life

Where: Learning Center

Joyful blessings and much love,


PS Slides have been corrected and uploaded to the Learning Center.

Aryana K. Rollins
Intuitive Life Strategist
