Subject: 🦋 [Highest Potential] replay Lesson 4: Rip Up the Roots of Cell Memories that Control our Life

updated slides and assignment

Dear Friend,

Great class today, thank you for your questions and turning up for yourself.

In this class, you learned how to release old tapes. The tapes were the first printing on the brand-new soul that was you.

Welcome to erase the tapes class!

I am so happy to have been able to share with life-changing content with you.

Replay is on the learning center.

As children, we didn't have filters, we internalized debilitating messages. Under the direction of parents, caregivers, teachers, and clergy, they told us who we are, our purpose, what qualities we are to value, what beliefs we should hold to be accurate, the talents we possess or the talents we lack, and the goals that are right for us.

If we carry with us any negative self-judgments, it is because we accept the opinions of others. – we took it in a self-evident truth. Many years later, we realize that life is complex and many situations we experienced were beyond our control.

Now what I just said isn't new to any of you.

Likely you have heard something like this before, yet hearing the message and releasing these negative beliefs doesn't just happen. Just telling me how magnificent I am doesn't work. As soon as the first argument in a newly formed marriage happens, all the kind, loving words are forgotten, and the only active truth is the negative words and feelings that the words activate in us.

These are Cell Level Memories. CLMs are the deeply held roots of blocker patterns that have wreaked havoc on your love life, your financial life, and your health.

These CLM need to remain valid to feel safe and secure. So the blockers make that belief true by creating the exact types of experiences that confirm that version of reality.

What: Self Mastery & Energy Shielding - Lesson 4: Rip Up the Roots of Cell Memories that Control our Life

Replay: Learning Center Access

Joyful blessings and much love,


IMPORTANT: Next Saturday, Nov. 12th is Group Coaching so send me your questions and what you'd like support on.

Aryana K. Rollins
Intuitive Life Strategist
