Subject: 🦋 [Highest Potential] Replay for Group Coaching

open to watch the replay for Sub Personality Negotiation

Dear Friend,

Today was our final meeting for Module 3.

I didn't realize today was supposed to be an Implementation Session and not Group Coaching. I didn't realize it until I processed the video. How funny!

Any who it was an awesome meeting and thank you for all of you who asked questions and turned up.

Here are some of the topics covered:

  1. Dialoguing with Success Team to determine if a blocker is running and the best blocker clearing method to use to clear it.

  2. Working with the Sub Personality Negotiation process to clear a blocker.

  3. Celebrate your breakthroughs since January.

  4. Identify what you'd like to accomplish by the end of HP24.

What: Create a Success Mindset - September Integration Session/Group Coaching with Q & A

Where: Learning Center Access

Joyful blessings and much love,


PS NO class next Saturday, September 17th.

Aryana K. Rollins
Intuitive Life Strategist
