Subject: 🦋 [Highest Potential] Replay Power of True Self - Lesson 2 Restoring Wholeness

Watch the replay to explore spiritual boundaries

Dear Friend,

Today we started on one of the most important subjects of True Self work: spiritual boundaries and identifying peak moments in our life.

When you watch the replay, have your Meta Memory Process form from Lesson 1 to review low-rated memories for potential blockers. You will pick a blocker to clear using the Past Perception Revision Process.

We also did the Project Inventory Process to empty out the old projects so you get more energy and time for what you really want to do. You can download the Project Inventory Process.

What: Power of True Self - Lesson 2: Restoring Wholeness

Where: Learning Center Access

I'm looking forward to furthering your knowledge of how to tap into your manifesting abilities by aligning with your True Self.

Many blessings,


PS Next Saturday is Lesson 3. Please join us live so you can begin the amazing journey of aligning with your True Self.

Aryana K. Rollins
Spiritual Life Coach
