Subject: 🦋 [Highest Potential] REPLAY - Align with True Self - Lesson 4 Stay Aligned Even in Off-Track Environments

Join us live to learn the True Self Protocol to know how to respond in the moment.

Dear Friend,

In this class, we went into an essential subject; now that you sense what it feels like to be aligned with your True Self, how do you handle people and situations that aren't aligned? 

Thank you for those of you who participated in the live coaching of how to use the True Self Clarity process to make decisions AND also your insightful question are greatly appreciated.

Please download the True Self Clarity Process and

What: Align with True Self - Lesson 4: Stay Aligned Even in Off-Track Environments

Learning Center Access: Replay

I'm looking forward to furthering your knowledge of how to tap into your manifesting abilities by aligning with True Self

Many blessings,


Aryana K. Rollins
Intuitive Life Strategist
