Subject: 🦋 [Highest Potential] Integration Break Tomorrow

Open for news about news about a Special Bonus Event!

Dear Friend,

Just a quick reminder that this Saturday we have an integration week. Enjoy your time and focus your mind and energy on that which will serve you most.

The link to the last class on the Learning Center is below:

 Learning Center

I have exciting news. We have a bonus event that I am pleased to share with you. Save this date and time and please join us live for this rare experience with someone who had a career in dealing with con artists and has authored a book on "Removing Your Mask."

Her name is Marion Moss.

What:    Unmask the Con Artist: Turn Your Gullibility into Wisdom

Who:    Marion Moss

When: October 13th, 2021, at 12 pm Central

If you aren't able to join the bonus even live no problem. The replay will be put on the Learning Center.

Joyful blessings and much love,


PS Reminder not class tomorrow, October 2nd.

Aryana K. Rollins
Intuitive Life Strategist
