Subject: 🦋 [Highest Potential] Enjoy Your Saturday break

Continue gathering Success Memories

Dear Friend,

TJust a quick reminder that we have our June week break this Saturday. This gives you a chance to catch up and gather your Success Memories AND work on Raising Your Unconscious Performance Limit. I wanted to include the forms here again for easy access.

Expect to work hard to prepare for success ahead. If you don't already have what you want, there must be something in the way, right? In this module, you will be clearing blockers BEFORE they stop you. This way, you will gracefully and naturally integrate your extremely desirable Super Achiever Objective into your life.

Are you ready to design with your heart, mind, and soul and accomplish your big objectives? Join us live for the first class because we will go deep and fast, and I don't want you to miss anything.

Please download the Success Team Process and the Unconscious Performance Limit Graph and have it in front of you as you watch the replay.

I look forward to sharing the magic and miracles in this module.

Many blessings,

PS If you have any questions or would like to encourage others with success, please post them on our private Facebook group page. If you are not yet a part of the FB group, I sent you an invitation today.

Aryana K. Rollins
Intuitive Life Strategist
