Subject: Journaling Might Just Work For You

How Journaling Can Help with Achieving Your Goals

1. Write down your goals

2. Write down why and how of your goals

3. Crystallise what could get in the way and what could help (opportunities and threats).

4. Lay out the steps needed to fill in the details of HOW

5. Measure the results and make improvements

6. Build accountability - outside help or publishing helps with this. Honesty too.

7. Keep a permanent record - even better if it is searchable

8. Share it - it might well inspire someone else. I know my investing and cycling journals do.

I am going to have another go at journaling to get through my Internet Marketing challenges. It works for my investing stuff.

I wrote about it in this week's blog - find that here

I found this great resource for free journaling stuff - it's private label rights which you get for free and can share and use.

Take care and keep writing it down. It helps clear my mind. It might just work for you too.
