Subject: Friend, How can you take back control in your career?

Dear Friend,

To say these are challenging times is an understatement. We hope and pray that you and your families are well, healthy and at home, away from this Coronavirus.

As we are in self-isolation in our homes, working remotely, and trying to keep healthy, we may feel anxious, sometimes bored and doubtful of the future. 

We want to share two things with you today that will aid you in your fight to stay strong. First, we have daily affirmations and second, our career support options for you as our valued community member.

Read these daily affirmations to remind ourselves of how strong we are:

  • Stay Healthy: I am and I will stay physically, mentally and emotionally healthy

  • Stay Happy: I am happy as this too shall pass (listen to music, video call your loved ones, do 1 thing that you wanted to do but never had the time to)

  • Stay in Harmony: I am in harmony with the earth. As it is in a deep cleansing mode, I am waiting for it to clean-up and restore its balance

  • Stay Hopeful: Our human race has seen and been through worse. the difference this time is that we are all in it together and fighting the same faceless enemy

  • Stay Humble: I am powerful and peaceful. I realise that there is a higher power at play and has always been in my favor. Something good is behind this.

  • Stay Human: I will respect the law & order, be at home, maintain social distancing, be kind to people in supermarkets, will not hoard, will not waste food, this is my moment to evolve as a human being

We also want to support you in preparing for your career challenges (now, during and after) this pandemic. The best way is to help you build your professional potential by focussing on digital skills growth.

Why work on these digital skills now?

We are going through some tough times, and it feels like winter. These dark clouds will go away in a few months. But will you be ready to leap to the next opportunity when the time comes? Are you prepared? Can the senior management trust you to execute the digital strategies for their product?

The current challenge is like a seasonal cycle, and this winter will go and spring will come. Winter doesn’t always mean a market crash or depression, it could mean an introduction of a fast-moving technology concept that we need to adapt as digital professionals. We need to not only know about it but also in a position to implement in our digital products/services.

We have Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Chatbots being implemented in various products. Have you mastered the foundational digital skills to take on this opportunity of digital disruption? Do you need to enhance your digital skills maturity in these areas?

We can help you in the following two ways to prepare for your career impact:

1) Ask your career-related questions: just click reply to this email OR use this form:

2) Assess your current digital skills maturity. You will know where you are and where you want to be:

Take care and stay well.

Your Product coach and Lead trainers

Himani & Onkar

Maximise your career potential and Prepare for digital transformation

through our bespoke programmes

Certified Agile Product Manager in B2B & B2C industry

8-week training & coaching programme for product professionals

CAPM gives you a structured way to take your skills and career in product management to the next level

Certified Agile Product Team in digital industry

8-week training & coaching programme for digital product teams

CAPT helps you embrace digital transformation, benchmark  and improve product team’s performance

Coaching and Agile Product Workshops for Startup teams

8-week coaching and consulting workshops for digital product startups

CAPW will help you identify and define MVP for successive launches to retain existing and attract new clients

Maximise your career potential  | Prepare for digital transformation

Digital Skills Mastery | +44 (0) 7837 282370 |

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