Subject: User story writing - Increase your value 3 times by mastering this valuable skill set

3 FREE resources in this monthly tool kit to build your foundations and apply this skill set

Free Resource Kit - Aug'20

User story writing - a digital skill set that will make you 3 times more valuable in your company and worldwide marketplace

Hi Friend,

I was speaking to one of our DAPM™ (Digital Agile Product Manager) programme candidates about her ongoing project when she asked- why do some product requirements need so much rework? She was clearly facing that challenge. 

We talked for a while, and to make the story short, I responded to her - There is rework on product requirements when we write user stories at 30,000 feet above sea level. At that level, the user story is vague, ambiguous and incomplete.

Our laughter and jokes around this subject aside, she was hinting on something at the foundation of user story writing as a skill set.



We all know requirements are a key deliverable for all product teams.

As a digital professional (Product manager, products owner or business analyst) we often jump into documenting needs, wants, wants, change requests and expect to produce a complete, clear and consistent user story.

This is a hard bullet to bite, but this miracle is not going to happen…until you change the way of writing user stories for your digital product.

User story writing is a skill that requires practice. You need to get the foundations right before you can become a master at it.

3 essential 'user story' resources for you

To help you get your 'user story' foundations right, we have crafted these resources from our consulting projects (where we solved live product problems) and our training programmes.

These 3 essential free resources will help you understand and apply the core principles, strategies and concepts required to write effective user stories.

User story basics

$ 30

  Free Resource #1

If you are new to the concepts or want a quick refresher, then start here: Basic building blocks of a user story.

Access FREE video playlist

Essentials to know

$ 30

  Free Resource #2 

If you want to grasp the various agile terminologies and the four components of a good user story with examples.

Access FREE essential article

Effective stories

$ 30

  Free Resource #3 

If you write stories regularly and want to make it more effective, then watch this Masterclass replay.

Access FREE Masterclass


Start applying these concepts and share with us your experiences and challenges.

Keep practising these necessary skills that will help you analyse, write and review effective user stories. This will result in reducing the rework, increasing velocity and delivering a successful digital product.


Enjoy these free resources.

Your Product coach and Lead trainers,

Onkar and Himani

Maximise your career potential  | Prepare for digital transformation

Digital Skills Mastery | +44 (0) 7837 282370 |

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