Subject: Top 10 skills & qualities of a thriving product manager

Here is our list that covers both hard and soft skills required for a successful career in product management

What are the top skills and qualities of a thriving product manager?

Hello Friend,

It has been over two months since we have shared something with you.

There have been some massive changes at our end, which I will share at the end of this email. But first of all, we hope you are well and keeping safe.

This is a quick note to you to check if you are progressing fine professionally. We are aware that some of our friends are facing professional turmoil due to redundancy, salary reduction or furlough arrangement. And for the rest of us, there is tremendous work pressure to stay afloat and ahead of the competition. 

In these uncertain times, I would encourage you to keep your focus on incremental improvements in your digital skills & qualities as a product professional. Just a 1% improvement every week will pay huge dividends in a month, quarter and year.

We recently published an article featuring the top 10 qualities & skills of a thriving product manager. 

The choices given in this post will help you pick and choose specific areas to focus on and improve in the new year.

Click here to read:

On our end at DSM, we are working towards making considerable changes in 2021 that will help you take your career to the next level and make it recession-proof. So, stay tuned!

Meanwhile, one major update from our side is that I have moved countries - from the UK to India, to get closer to my family & help set-up a new DSM team in Bangalore…hence the radio silence from our end on communications for a few months.

Here is a glimpse of my current (India) workspace and some happy moments from the Indian festival of Diwali, that was in mid-November'20.


I am still adjusting to new surroundings in India, and we are super-charged with setting up a new team and new offerings for you.

This week, our focus is on helping you understand the ‘Top 10 skills and qualities of a thriving product manager’

Click here to read this in-depth insight: 

Enjoy the article and get back to us if you have any queries.

See you soon,

Your product coach and lead trainer,


Maximise your career potential  | Prepare for digital transformation

Digital Skills Mastery | +44 (0) 7837 282370 |

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