Subject: Join Free Webinar: Take charge of your digital career in 2020

The 7 core areas to master in digital product management

How to grow your digital product career?

When: Jan 30, 2020, Thursday, 8 PM London (UTC)

Duration: 30 minutes

You will learn…

1. The 7 core areas to master to succeed in digital product management

2. Career growth options in digital product management

3. Roleplays of a product manager

4. How to transition into the next desired role?

5. Plus you can ask your questions LIVE on the webinar, which will be answered by your lead trainer and product coach - Onkar Singh Lohtham (Founder & CPO, Digital Skills Mastery)

Register for Webinar

Take charge of your digital product career in 2020

You are a digital product professional working in a B2B, B2C or a startup company, making sure a world class product is served to your customers. You are busy with your day-to-day responsibilities, with no time to breathe. In this hustle & bustle, discussions on your career growth and what you want to do next takes lower priority.

If you don’t plan your career growth, someone else will, or in the worst case, there is no plan. This will devoid you  from achieving your maximum potential and reaping the rewards that you deserve. It has never been a better time to be in the field of digital product management. There are so many opportunities in different business sectors, offering different roles, and commensurate pay.

In this webinar, we will help you assess you current situation and give you a plan to craft your career roadmap.

Save your spot now !

Why you should attend this webinar?

of digital leaders in the UK

believe their workforce does not have sufficient knowledge and expertise to execute their digital strategy*
*Source: Deloitte Digital Disruption Index report (Jan 19)

We will share with you the 7 core areas to master in order to succeed in your digital career. You will know what areas to focus upon, what skills to hone and become one of those selective few whom the senior leaders could rely upon to execute their digital strategies in the organisation.

Who is this webinar for?

You must attend this webinar to gain valuable insights if:

• You are a business analyst, data analyst, web analyst, QA, or consultant intersted to grow your digital career in 2020
• You are a product manager, product owner aspiring to grow into a senior role in the coming 6 months
• You are a digital professional looking to join the product management world with your existing industry experience

You will also extract maximum benefits from this webinar if:

 You are confused about how to transition into your next desired role
 You donot know what areas to master that would help to grow in your career

But this webinar is not for everyone. This webinar might not be helpful to you if:

• You are in a leadership role viz. Director of product, VP of product
• You are not working in a digital product world for e.g. you are a traffic warden, hair dresser etc.

You will learn…

1. The 7 core areas to master to succeed in digital product management

2. Career growth options in digital product management

3. Roleplays of a product manager

4. How to transition into the next desired role?

5. Plus you can ask your questions LIVE on the webinar, which will be answered by your lead trainer and product coach - Onkar Singh Lohtham (Founder & CPO, Digital Skills Mastery)

See you in the webinar ...

Your Product coach and Lead trainers,

Onkar Singh Lohtham | Founder & CPO

Himani Tiwary | Founder & CEO

Register for Webinar

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