Subject: Human existence, Life lessons, and Easter 2020

Hi Friend,

We are living through a strange time – one that none of us could have anticipated. For weeks now we’ve been asked to break our usual routines and stay in our homes in order to try and battle the COVID-19 pandemic. We have all worked together – be it following the government guidelines, maintaining social distancing, volunteering, or donating to organisations, while still running our daily lives.

Take this weekend to applaud yourself for the resilience, discipline, courage and faith you have shown so far. And perhaps the ways that communities have come together to help those that would otherwise have been isolated that is the most admirable.


The big question is will we learn anything from this time and change our ways of living? Can we be more thoughtful and more respectful of our resources? We’d like the answer to be yes, but leaving old habits and rituals behind is hard, especially when no one is telling you have to. But it’s clear that this is a time of change – perhaps when this is all done, we can all take that leap forward into a new world of possibilities.


Here are the 5 things that I commit to do consistently from now on:

1) Be grateful for natural resources and use it responsibly – water, fuel, paper

2) Raise awareness with family & friends on reducing rubbish

3) Donate £2000 a year to environmental charities

4) Find a way to plant 1000 trees a year

5) Practise 2 weeks of complete lockdown at home every year to reduce my carbon footprint


What are your top 5 items that you will commit to?

To read the full post, please follow this link:

Happy Easter.

Your Product coach and Lead trainer

Onkar Singh Lohtham


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