Subject: Smallcap Discoveries: Weekly Update: March 13 - 17

March 13 - 17

Market Commentary


Last week was a very interesting week. Two US banks were shut down and several more are on their knees. Europe hasn’t been spared as Credit Suisse now searches for a lifeline. You’d think this would send the equity markets into chaos but instead the markets seemed to shrug it off as inflationary concerns and higher interest rates now look to be last year’s concern and investors see that the Fed is much less likely to keep interest rates at restrictive levels.

The DOW was off by only 0.2%, the TSX was lower by 2.0% and Nasdaq rose by 4.4% for the week.

US treasury yields continue to fall with the 2-year testing 6-month lows. Treasuries continue to point to an economic slowdown or financial stress, painting the Fed into a corner with little room to move if there continues to be inflationary pressures.

This bank crisis has, in effect, tightened lending standards increasing the chances of an economic slowdown.

It’s hard to imagine the Fed won’t pause interest rate hikes under these conditions. For the equity markets the question remains…. Do markets react negatively to a potential banking system breakdown, or will they react positively to the potential for lower rates?

What is oil telling us?

What is lumber telling us?


Well oil finally decided which way it wanted to break out of its 4-month trading range. Oil bulls were disappointed as WTI oil broke down into new 15 month lows. WTI oil closed the week at $66.33. Down 46% from its year high and down 49% from its Ukraine conflict inspired high. 

I believe oil is sending us a very clear message. The global economy is slowing, and energy inspired inflation may be behind us, at least for the time being.

Looking at North American natural gas prices over the past 2 years and we see a similar message. Natural gas prices continue to trade to much nearer to decade lows than highs.  

There is little inflationary pressure coming from energy at the moment.

Gasoline has managed to stay a bit more elevated in relation to oil but also trades much closer to multi year lows than the highs we saw last summer.

It’s hard to imagine this lower price environment being conducive to higher and sustained spending in new production. Energy service companies won’t fare well at these product prices.

The US energy services ETF had one of its sharpest drops in quite some time.

According to Baker Hughes this past week saw a net drop of 8 land based drilling rigs and continues the weekly declined we’ve seen in the past few months.


I’m posting the DXY chart on a regular basis in the commodity section. The US dollar has such a big impact on so many commodities. After popping above 105 it now seems to be back into a downtrend and likely indicates the expected direction of US interest rates.

A weaker dollar will strengthen precious metals and may help underpin some of the other dollar priced commodities. The banking crisis and likely lowering of rates led by the US is the perfect environment for gold and silver and alternative assets like bitcoin. The fear of holding any currency right now has investors considering a number of alternatives.

Gold had another good week and is now trading at $1993.60 inching closer to its all time high of $2075 in US dollars. It’s been making new all time highs in a number of other currencies and likely continues until the current banking crisis gets resolved. Gold is clearly telling us the world’s financial markets are under strain.

Lumber has come off its bottom this past week jumping roughly 10%. With much stronger than expected US housing starts reported this week lumber was one of the star performers in the commodity sector, but it has a long way to get anywhere close to the year ago highs

Taking a look at some of the food commodities we see that both wheat and corn have been dropping with wheat near multi year lows.

You’d expect that lower basic food input prices are likely to help tame food inflation soon.


With the banking crisis unlikely to resolve itself very quickly I think we can expect to see continued volatility in equity markets. As I said last week. I view times these as rotations. Investors rotate out of certain sectors into cash and then start allocating to new sectors and companies based on a changed view of how the investment landscape is positioned. Some will rush out of financials and eventually, perhaps, into precious metals or perhaps from “risky” stocks to “safer” stocks that pay steady dividends. Some may be rushing into volatile financials as prices crash and then bounce again based on the latest headline. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure…

I continue to believe we are moving to a situation where the Fed has little choice but to pause and begin lowering interest rates to help stabilize the banking system and financial markets. There are a number of trends that I think will benefit from a lower rate environment. As, when we have boom times in certain sectors and easy money allows demand to be pulled forward so too, will economic slowdowns push demand into the future.

Any current slowdown we are seeing in the production of certain products and materials likely means pent up demand when the economy recovers, Canadian housing is a good example but there are others as well.

Continue to watch the new 52 week high lists. The new strong sectors and strong stocks will show up here early. It tends to show in the bigger stocks first and then the smaller ones will move next.

Other Stuff

Speaking of Canadian housing. Mortgage rates are poised to drop considerably. Fixed rate mortgages are tied to the Canadian 5-year bond and the 5-year yield is testing 7 month lows. With the Bank of Canada stating they will pause rates for now and with market yields dropping as they are we can expect banks to start easing the rates of their fixed term mortgages. The combination of lower rates and pent up demand could unleash some pent up buying demand.

The Canadian government also announced the launch of a $ billion fund to help accelerate the construction of 100,000 new homes in an attempt to ease the housing supply crunch

“The Fund will help cities, towns, and Indigenous governments unlock new housing supply by speeding up development and approvals, like fixing out-of-date permitting systems, introducing zoning reforms to build more density, or incentivizing development close to public transit.”

“Over the next decade, the Government of Canada aims to double the rate of housing construction to make housing more affordable.”

While I’m sure the Canadian building sector welcomes any help in dealing with the bureaucracy of permitting, zoning restrictions and other regulatory hurdles I’m not sure adding a further layer of government services is exactly the best way to lower red tape. If the government and construction industry don’t find a way to solve the skilled labor shortage any speed up in getting shovels in the ground will only be met with a deeper skilled labor deficit.

New SCD Portfolio Addition 

This past week we sent out a short highlight on our latest addition to the SCD portfolio, Total Telcom Inc. (TTZ.V). Here’s what we wrote:

Total Telcom, through its wholly owned subsidiary ROM Communications Inc. (ROM) is a leading developer and provider of remote asset monitoring and tracking products and services throughout North America. ROM specializes in the development of innovative wireless communications that provide low cost, high tech monitoring, tracking and remote control solutions for commercial, industrial and consumer applications. ROM is uniquely positioned and qualified to deliver complete web to wireless solutions that enable companies and organizations to remotely monitor, track and control their fixed and mobile assets with a web browser from any Internet enabled PC. Products and services are based on ROM’s web to wireless technology and proprietary 2nd generation hardware & software marketed as TextAnywhere, ROM Controllers, ROMTraX, MotoTraX, TraX, DataTraX, WaterTraX, SiteTraX, CamTraX and AlarmTraX. These modules are wireless modems that utilize microcomputers integrated with sensors, GPS engines and various inputs and outputs and interfaced by the user through the Internet. ROM is an authorized airtime reseller and hardware developer for satellite, cellular and wireless IP Networks.


  • Profitability: Have been profitable ever year since 2017.

  • TTM Net income: $465K

  • TTM Revenue: $2.08M - Up 30% Y/Y/

  • Last Q Revenue: $678K - up 97% Y/Y - Record quarter.

  • Margin of Safety: $1.94M in cash and equivalents. $40K debt. Enterprise Value of $3.5M. We know there are other buyers of the business outright at these prices.

  • Valuation: TTM EV/E - 7.6x  / TTM P/E - 11.7x.

  • Launched New Products / New Markets: Anticipated $1M increase in revenue annually.

  • Limited Dilution Risk: Company has essentially reached the break-even point from its recurring business.

  • Platform for Growth: Total Telcom is a great platform piece for future growth. If possible, M&A could change the growth profile of the business. Would create a re-rating as optics change around the business valuation given any potential M&A strategy.

  • Strong Insider Ownership & Salary: 7.97M shares owned by CEO and Directors. CEO compensation $130K and CFO compensation $40K. 1.1M stock options outstanding.

  • Illiquid and Undiscovered: Look at their website, there's no investors paying attention to this company. It trades about $6K worth of shares a day. Perfect type of stock for a small retail investor.

** Paul and Trevor are shareholders of TTZ. Given the illiquid nature of how the stock trades, we are going to be slow, and steady buyers up to $0.22 for now.


Price - $0.20 

Issued and Outstanding - 26M

Market Cap - $5.4M

Total Telcom has been in and out of our Cheapies with a Chance list for several years. We also highlighted it in our Takeover Target lists in December 2022. After further digging we decided now was the right time to take a meaningful position in the company.

In a lot of ways this is the prefect little stock. The company is growing and profitable. Revenues are up over 30% in the last reporting period. The company maintains healthy gross margins (57%) and profit margins (25.5%).

The company, for its size, has a very healthy balance sheet with almost 50% of its market cap in cash and cash equivalents. It has a low share count and founders and insiders own a meaningful stake in the company. In our last call with the CEO and founder Neil Magrath, he stated that his retirement is dependant on the company being successful.  

The company is an innovator and has successfully launched several products and is busy developing additional niche products that should help add new revenue streams and additional recurring data revenue. It operates in several niche industries, keeping big competitors away, which allows them to dominate their space and keep higher margins.

The company’s core technology is a platform technology which allows the company to better take advantage of new products and services and allows for stronger recurring data fees. A significant portion of their revenue is recurring in nature and allows for good revenue visibility and business planning. The more hardware they sell the more recurring communication revenue they’ll receive.


On December 15, 2022, the company announced that it had launched a new product for the recreational vehicle market. In the press release the company stated: “Total Telcom Inc.'s wholly owned subsidiary, ROM Communications Inc., has completed the design and development and is currently in production of a purpose-built advanced recreational vehicle (RV) heating/water control system.”

They went on to say: “The controller was developed over the last 18 months and will be phased in starting Jan. 1, 2023. New controller revenues are expected to exceed $1 million annually plus complementary sales of satellite modems and data plans. ROM is currently processing its first order worth $240,000 for immediate delivery.”

TTZ did roughly $2.1 million in sales in the last 12 months and $678,000 in the quarter ending December 31. Adding at least $1 million in revenues or $250,000 per quarter would increase annual sales by at least 50% and quarterly sales to roughly $928,000 if they are correct in their estimates. By our calculations this would result in $3.7 million in sales and about $1.1 million in operating profit or $0.042 per share.

Very few investors have ever heard of Total Telcom. It’s far too small for large or institutional investors. They have terrible investor presence and may have one of the least investor friendly websites I have ever seen. All of which can be easily corrected with a little bit of effort. For now, this is one of our great advantages as buyers.

With almost $2 million in cash, very negligible debt of $40k and Friday’s close of $0.23 we get an enterprise value of about $4 million. Based on my calculations the stock is trading at an estimated 3.6 times next year’s EV/operating earnings. Far too cheap for a company that has growing recurring and platform hardware revenues.

As far as risks go I would think there is the chance that the company doesn’t meet its forecast revenues but that would more negate the upside than bring downside. There is always the risk that their products face new competition but I do think this is somewhat limited because of the niche nature of their markets. I view risks more along the lines of standard business execution risks however the company has managed to achieve profitability every year since 2017 so they clearly know how to make a profit.

I doubt a company like this could be built for anywhere close to the current market cap of only $6 million. But if they can generate the revenues they forecast and can launch additional products as they have been able to do with their recent launches, a company like this could easily warrant a PE of at least 15 times, or $0.63+ on their forecast revenues, and with their valuable core technology, a takeout could come at an even higher price. I feel at current prices we have a fantastic risk/reward scenario with a meaningful margin of safety.

This is a company that I would buy outright if I could get it anywhere near current prices.

To your wealth,

Paul and Trevor 

Buys and Sells This Week

Bought Total Telcom (TTZ.V) @ $0.185

Sold Bri-Chem (BRY.T) $0.61 

Smallcap Discoveries

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Itafos (TSX.V: IFOS) Price - $1.65 Market Cap - $311M

Crescita Therapeutics (TSX.V: CTX) Price - $0.72 Market Cap - $14.6M

  • Crescita Reports Q4 and Fiscal 2022 Results

  • Q4 Revenue of $6M

  • Q4 Gross profit of $3.88M

  • Q4 Adj. EBITDA of $997

  • Q4 Net income of $1.17M

  • FY Revenue of $23.5M

  • FY Gross profit of $13M

  • FY Adj. EBITDA of $2.22M

  • FY Net income of $864K

Deveron Corp (TSX.V: FARM) Price - $0.35 Market Cap - $48M

Cipher Pharmaceuticals (TSX: CPH) Price - $3.60 Market Cap - $90M

Kits Eyecare (TSX: KITS) Price - $4.05 Market Cap - $127M

Sabio Holdings (TSX.V: SBIO) Price - $0.92 Market Cap - $42M

Company Interviews & Updates


Topic: Alchemy Nano (Private) Update with CEO Khanjan Desai

Time: Mar 21, 2023 01:15 PM Vancouver

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 892 0971 9837

Passcode: 999159

Topic: Ola Media (Private) Update with Co-CEO's David and Daniel Lamadrid

Time: Mar 22, 2023 01:15 PM Vancouver

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 849 8957 9246

Passcode: 714411

Topic: GBLT Corp (TSX.V: GBLT) Update with CEO Dr. Thilo Senst

Time: Mar 23, 2023 01:15 PM Vancouver

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 875 3718 0474

Passcode: 391782


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