Subject: Smallcap Discoveries: Weekly Update: August 14 - 18

August 14 - 18

Market Commentary


Renewed fears over the economic health of China and higher treasury yields have further weighed on equity markets this past week. Concerns over the potential ripple effect of the bankruptcy of one of China’s largest property developers, Evergrande, forced the Bank of China to lower interest rates and has others predicting a potential domino effect in global markets as we wait to see which global banks hold Evergrande’s debt. The Chinese real estate market has been in freefall since May 2021. 

Equity markets saw an acceleration to the downside going into week end. The DOW was lower on the week by 2.2%, Nasdaq was down 2.6% and the TSX fell by 2.9%. Nasdaq has dropped 8% in the past month from its recent highs.


With the US Fed still on inflation watch, higher treasury yields and now concern over Chinese real estate contagion it’s not surprising to see a flight to the US dollar. Global investors are moving to a “risk off” mode.

US treasury yields are testing multi decade highs. This will put further pressure on equities.

The Canada 5 year bond yield reached new highs and are further pressuring fixed mortgage rates higher in Canada.

The current interest rate landscape in both the US and Canada are not bullish for equities and interest rate sensitive assets in the short term.


Oil prices had their first weekly drop in almost 2 months. Re-emergence of economic concerns in China have oil traders reconsidering their bullish demand outlook. WTI oil closed the week at $81.25.

Drill rig activity continues to soften with the US rig count dropping by 12 rigs and Canad dropping by one rig.

It will be interesting to see how gold moves in the coming weeks. Tighter interest rates in the G10 markets are negative for gold as is a stronger US dollar, however, will gold benefit by any flight to safety as we see what the ripple effect of Chinese real estate bankruptcies have on global banks and global investors. Gold settled the week down again at US$1919 per ounce.


Since the start of 2023 equity markets were squarely in the hands of the bulls. Nasdaq had climbed roughly 40% with barely a hiccup along the way. It was pricing in a lot of bullish sentiment and discounting most of the possible negative outlooks. Equity markets were priced for near perfection. So it’s not to be unexpected that when the bulls have exhausted themselves we get a market reversal.

I’ve been nervous of the indexes and the larger names and now it’s somewhat comforting to see a market pullback. It makes sense to me. I expect that fear could take hold and we get a more meaningful pullback and if so, we likely get some better bargains down market.

A strong pullback in markets, especially the big stocks which have had such a great move this year, is healthy. It shakes out the excesses. It’s normal and as a long term investor you should want normal markets. 

The US Fed and Bank of Canada want, and will get, tighter capital conditions, less money floating in the system. This means capital is getting more expensive. Expensive capital is not good for companies that desperately need it and it starts to compete with other investment opportunities. Capital to companies is like oxygen to living creatures, it’s only important when you can’t get any.

As interest rates climb there will become a bigger distinction between the haves and the have-nots. Companies that are generating cash will become much more valuable than those that are losing money. Raising money will become significantly harder and more expensive. And as companies gasp for air their valuations are likely to sink as investors bail out in fear. Those companies with cash will look stronger and appeal more to investors. They’ll also be in a position to strengthen their market presence and/or to buy out weaker players.

Strong companies and strong investors are always well prepared for weak markets. It’s where they thrive and have the ability to gain further strength. So welcome shake outs in markets. Be ready for market pullbacks. Look for market opportunities in beat up sectors and beat up stocks that have staying power. I suspect we are entering into another market downswing that will give us some great buying opportunities. Markets always do. We just have to make sure we are prepared for them.

Other Stuff

Decent numbers out of Zedcor (ZDC.V) but the market didn’t really care. Revenues climbed 18.3% over the same quarter last year. Earnings were up by 61.8% although a good chunk of the earnings were due to a bonus payment from its business it sold a while ago. I like this one a lot and hold a nice position right now. I’m hoping this is one that sees a meaningful dip in share price so I can add a bit more.

As the big markets pullback, I’m becoming a bit more bullish and hopeful that we get a few more decent buying opportunities in the coming months in our microcap universe. There are enough headline concerns out there that make me think we’ll see another buyer’s market in the fall. While some of the better microcaps have done well this year the sector itself, in general, continues to be out of favor. Institutional capital is still staying up market and if we do see a healthy shake out in the indexes this fall, we could see some fantastic buying opportunities in the smaller names. I’m ready to be a buyer.

Until then I’m happy to be a small “dip buyer”. Some of the stronger movers of late that have seen some healthy dips include the following:

Decisive Dividend - DE.T

Total Telcom - TTZ.V

Inventronics – IVX.V

Canadabis Capital – CANB.V

I’m still trying to build my cash position but am trying to selectively add a little to some of my favorite names. We also continue to look for new names but are not seeing much in the way of new opportunities so I’ll stay patient while we wait for a fat pitch to swing at. Until then, I’ll continue to enjot what’s left of the summer.


This Week I’m (still) Reading: Richer, Wiser, Happier – William Green – How the World’s Greatest Investors Win in Markets and Life – Another good book of interviews with some of the world’s best known investors. It’s amazing how many of the great investors share similar traits and methodologies when comes to investing.

To your wealth,

Paul and Trevor

Buys and Sells This Week

Bought shares of Total Telcom (TTZ.V) @ $0.405*

*Paul Andreola is a director of Total Telcom (TTZ.V) 

Smallcap Discoveries

Select SEDAR+ Weekly Highlights

Innovotech (TSX.V: IOT) Price - $0.09 Market Cap - $3.5M

iFabric (TSX: IFA) Price - $1.30 Market Cap - $39M

Titanium Transportation Group (TSX: TTNM) Price - $2.86 Market Cap - $129M

Zedcor (TSX.V: ZDC) Price - $0.65 Market Cap - $48M

Bri-Chem (TSX.V: BRY) Price - $0.42 Market Cap - $11M

Appulse (TSX.V: APL) Price - $0.29 Market Cap - $4.2M

Tornado Global Hydrovacs (TSX.V: TGH) Price - $0.53 Market Cap - $72M

Decibel (TSX.V: DB) Price - $0.14 Market Cap - $57M

Fab-Form Industries (TSX.V: FBF) Price - $1.70 Market Cap - $15.6M

FLYHT Aerospace (TSX.V: FLY) Price - $0.82 Market Cap - $31M

Rubicon Organics (TSX.V: ROMJ) Price - $0.50 Market Cap - $28M

Intouch Insight (TSX.V: INX) Price - $0.38 Market Cap - $10M

Company Interviews & Updates


Topic: The Good Shroom Co (TSX.V: MUSH) Interview with CEO Eric Ronsse

Time: Aug 24, 2023 01:15 PM Vancouver

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