Subject: Smallcap Discoveries: Weekly Update: April 8 - 12

Weekly Update: April 8 - 12

Market Commentary



North American equity were very unsettled this week after dealing with better-than-expected US inflation data, then to lower than expected US producer price data and then to geopolitical concerns over a possible Iranian attack on Israel. The DOW index closed the week with the largest sustained drop since the market bottoms in October. The DOW has corrected by roughly 5% since the all-time high reached 3 weeks ago.

The DOW ended the week lower by 2.4%, Nasdaq finished down 0.4% and the TSX was down 1.6%.


The potential for an escalation in hostilities between Iran and Israel will likely keep volatility in financial markets elevated. Markets have been in overbought conditions for some time and it’s likely that heightened geopolitical concerns will move a lot of capital to the sidelines.




A number of macroeconomic factors are keeping investors on their toes. With US inflation data coming in hotter than expected treasury investors were sellers and yields have broken out to the upside. With the rise in oil prices and the US economy seemingly invincible, interest rates are increasing and any expectation of a US Fed interest rate decrease looks to be pushed out further into the future, and some are inferring that perhaps the next Fed move may actually be an interest rate increase!


US treasury yields staged a break out and reached their highest levels in almost 5 months.

In Canada rates were a bit firmer but continue to lag behind US yields. The Canada 5-year bond yield, while higher, managed to close below 3.75%.

And that difference in yield movement continues to put pressure on the CAD/US dollar exchange with the CAD dropping to its lowest level vs the US dollar in over 5 months and is getting very close to testing $0.72, a very important technical level.



Oil continues to rise in price as tensions in the Middle East are heightened. This weekend Iran has launched drones and missiles at Israel and observers are waiting to see if hostilities continue to escalate.


WTI oil spent most of the week trading above $85 a barrel and saw a short term spike on Friday before closing at $84.91.

Gold has maintained a very strong bullish move with gold breaking to all-time highs almost daily. What’s surprising with this move in gold is that it’s doing so while US bond yields have been moving higher as well, a very rare occurrence.


Gold spiked above $2400 an ounce on Friday before closing lower at $2360.



Macro moves in markets and the economy seems to be having little effect on many of the micro and nanocaps we follow. This continues to be a story of capital moves rather than economic moves. The Canadian economy is slowing, US rates are climbing, geopolitical tensions are rising, many big stocks are falling in price and yet a large number of Canadian microcaps continue to climb.


It goes to show how mis-priced many of these stocks were, and continue to be. This week we saw another big list of our favourite stocks hitting 52 week and all-time highs. And trading volumes continue to increase. Both are a sign of capital flows.


Familiar names on the 52 week high list include Foraco (FAR.T), ADF Group (DRX.T), Sylogist (SYZ.T), Dynacor (DNG.T), Enterprise Group (E.T), Tantalus Systems (GRD.T), Knight Therapeutics (GUD.T), Cematrix (CVX.V), BeWhere Holdings (BEW.V), Gatekeeper Systems (GSI.V), Biorem Inc (BRM.V), Grown Rogue Intl (GRIN.C), Namesilo Tech (URL.C), Simply Solventless (HASH.V) and Ztest Electronics (ZTE.V).

We said goodbye to one of our long-time cheapies with a chance, and take over list, stocks, IBEX Technologies (IBT.V). IBT.V was delisted this week as a result of the recent $1.45 per share take-over by BBI Solutions. Congratulations to all our members who took advantage of this opportunity.  

And one of our latest “Fat Pitch” stocks, Biorem, put a big smile on my, and hopefully many of our member’s faces as the company announced surprisingly strong Q4 earnings. I was looking for $0.10 - $0.12 per share in Q4 earnings for the company and instead we got $0.15 per share. The stock reacted as one would expect and the stock rocketed to new highs blasting to $2.08 before settling the week at $1.96, up 33% on the week.

Even at current levels the stock looks underpriced considering these earnings and the large backlog ($50.1 million as of December 31, 2023). I was a buyer at $1.50 on the news but will be looking to add as cash availability allows…..


Some of the other companies we follow that reported notable financial results were Firan Technologies (FTG.T) which came in with solid numbers and Zedcor (ZDC.V) which came in with slightly lower than I expected results. Trevor and I recently returned from the Zedcor facilities in Calgary and while short term results may have weighed a bit on the share price on Wednesday both Trevor and I came away with a bullish impression on their long term outlook.

Cellular concrete manufacturer Cematrix Corp. (CVX.V) released financial results that popped the stock to new multi-year highs. The stock reached a new high of $0.445 before settling the week at $0.38. 

Many of our portfolio and watch list stocks have performed extremely well in the past year and a half and are now well out of buying range. The number of stocks that are giving us strong buying opportunities is shrinking. There are still good opportunities available but I’m not comfortable chasing some of these stocks now that they’ve become more in line with historical valuations. For example, BeWhere was very cheap 2 months ago at $0.28, at $0.45, not so much…. Shares in BeWhere are up We need to see what kind of quarterly results we get before I can get excited about BEW.V again. At the recent price of $0.45, BEW.V has managed to gain 150% in just over 5 months.

The same can be said about Zedcor (ZDC.V), Enterprise Group (E.T), Gatekeeper Systems (GSI.V) and a few others. I’m not saying they can’t or won’t go higher, but the real easy money has already been made. All these companies I’ve just mentioned, except for maybe BEW.V, have experienced significant discovery, some analyst coverage and some institutional interest. These companies are all much better known now than they were when we first found them.

Another big winner, Grown Rogue (GRIN.C), was the first profitable cannabis stock we highlighted back in mid-2022 at $0.08. The stock has turned into a 10+ bagger (+1088%) since that time. No one we spoke to had heard of the company when we first stumbled onto it. Now, many more investors are aware of this little gem of a company. We need to find the next GRIN.C. We are hopeful that our latest cannabis stock, Simply Solventless, can come close to performing that well.

Without strong financial results or other material catalysts we need to look for new opportunities to get excited about and I think both Ztest Electronics (ZTE.V) and Simply Solventless (HASH.V) are two very strong candidates. More below…..


Other Stuff


We were able to secure 2 different financing's in the past 2 weeks for SCD (accredited) members. Both are companies that are profitable and don’t really “need” money but we were able to convince both companies that having a broader and stronger shareholder base would be beneficial to both companies. I view both of these companies as having strong upside potential. Like most mispriced nanocaps both companies have their blemishes but I believe both companies offer very solid margins of safety. I’ve been rotating some capital into both names and have purchased shares in the open market and will participate in both financings. I’ve talked about Simply Solventless (HASH.V) below. Next week I’ll write about our other financing opportunity, Ztest Electronics (ZTE.V).


Simply Solventless - HASH.V


Trevor and I took a quick day trip this past week and visited Simply’s facilities just outside Calgary, Alberta. It was the second cannabis facility I’ve visited in my life, hot on the heels of our site visit to my first cannabis facility (Rubicon Organics) the week prior. I almost feel like an expert. There were a few things that impressed me with Simply. These guys are shrewd operators. They’ve been able to build a thriving operation on a shoestring budget, especially compared to many of the well-financed and bloated competitors. And these guys can scale very easily. Management believes they can scale their current facilities to upwards of 10 times their size without having to break the bank. The space is there, most of the equipment is there, the know-how is there and it looks like the demand is on its way. What these guys have managed to accomplish with a little over $6 million in equity raises is extremely impressive. The company has no debt.


Simply Solventless's mission is to provide pure, potent, terpene-rich, ready-to-consume cannabis products to discerning cannabis consumers. It sells its products under three brand names, Lamplighter, Frootyhooty and Astro Lab.

They are a low cost producer of a number of high demand products and it won’t take much to increase their supply and revenues and from what I could see I think both are on their way. Management have been able to take advantage of the turmoil within the industry and prudently have purchased a number of assets on the cheap. They’ve structured deals, including their purchase of Lamplighter brands and their associated assets, with novel and beneficial terms. I think this is a key strategy that will help separate the winners from the losers in this space. In most cases, and for the time being, it looks like it is cheaper to buy than build in the cannabis space. And these guys have shown they know how to pull off a good deal when they can.


The industry is not only consolidating and right-sizing but it’s also learning what works and what doesn’t and some players like Simply look like they’ve been able to learn what’s working without blowing through millions if not billions in cash to do so. For example it makes no sense to build a cannabis grow operation, with high electricity needs, in Alberta where electricity prices are high but it sure does make sense to build processing facilities where land is cheap. Get your weed from cheaper locations like BC and process the product in Alberta, this is much more economical.


The company went public very recently through the reverse takeover of a capital pool corporation (CPC) but has been in operation for a number of years. Unlike many of the better known publicly traded cannabis companies they were now bombarded with investor capital. They’ve been mostly funded through their own personal funding and friends and family. They’ve done a few public raises but let’s just say that compared to others in the space they’ve had to stay very lean and mean as well as extremely creative in how they’ve operated.


Run by an accountant, this company is all about the numbers. Based on estimated January and February gross revenue generated, plus purchase orders received that are expected to be delivered during March, 2024, Simply Solventless projects record quarterly gross revenue during Q1 2024 of approximately $3.1-million (Q1 2023 -- $1,789,562), representing a growth rate of 73 per cent. Simply Solventless also projects Q1 2024 adjusted EBITDA of approximately $500,000 (Q1 2023 -- $318,978), a growth rate of 56 per cent, and record quarterly Q1 2024 net income of approximately $310,000 (Q1 2023 -- $44,491), a growth rate of 597 per cent. At this pace the company should show annualized profits of about $1.24 million which means the stock, which closed at $0.20 on Friday, is trading at about 8.1 times forward earnings. But that’s assuming no further growth. Simply Solventless received its Health Canada licences on June 30, 2022. In the 20 subsequent months, Simply Solventless's revenue has grown from $203,034 in Q2 2022 to a projected $3.1-million in Q1 2024, representing an increase of approximately 1,427 per cent. The company continues to grow.


The company is launching a number of new products and has applied to several new provincial markets to bring their existing products to those markets. The company had an average of 10 products in the market in 2023, currently has approximately 50 products in the market and expects to exit the year with roughly 100 different products in its current markets, Alberta and Ontario. In addition to the new products the company has applied to launch this growing pipeline of products into several other provinces.


I’d be surprised if the company doesn’t see significant growth over their current numbers. According to management, they should generate somewhere near $20 million in revenues for the next 12 months, and with a management projection of 10% profit margin, the company should earn upwards of $2 million resulting in a current forward PE of about 5 times. This looks very cheap in a market where very few are generating profit and most that are making money trade at multiples significantly higher.


Management has demonstrated their ability to grow inorganically as well. The Lamplighter acquisition should be the first of its kind and management has a healthy pipeline of additional acquisitions and partnerships that could lift their revenues.


The current financing will give the company additional buying power and allow for more production to keep up with demand. It will also allow the company to automate some procedures further improving economics. It’s not a lot of money but as the company has shown, they can make quite a bit happen with a small amount of cash.


And let’s not forget a bit of a potential windfall bonus that we might get this week. The Canadian federal government will be releasing their annual budget this week and some are expecting a change in the excise tax that cannabis companies are required to pay. The early establishment of this tax did not account for the current weakened conditions within the cannabis sector and some are expecting a significant change (drop) in the current tax structure. Some cannabis operators pay upwards of 40% excise taxes. This is a tax that is calculated on revenues before and profits and any other income taxes. Many companies are in arrears and have not been paying this tax. Others who have been paying this tax are seeing a substantial amount of their hard earned revenue submitted in tax while prices for their product have been dropping. No one was predicting this in any of their revenue forecasts. So should there be a drop in the excise tax companies like Simply Solventless stand to see a dramatic short term jump in profits as any lowering in excise tax falls straight to the bottom line. But, of course, when was the last time any government lowered taxes?


HASH.V is looking much more like a fat pitch to me as I come to understand the dynamics of the industry and the strengths of the company. Simply Solventless is a company that is profitable and growing, has significant optionality through new products and new markets.


As I said above, Trevor and I are both participating in this financing and have bought shares in the open market. I view this company as slightly above average risk but with very strong upside. The company trades well below the valuations of its peers and the sector itself is mostly out of favour with all sorts of mispricing as we witnessed with GRIN.C. While not exactly a fat pitch this one has some girth and I think anything up to and including $0.20 looks extremely appealing to me.  


To your wealth,


Paul and Trevor

Buys and Sells This Week

Sold some Zedcor (ZDC.V) at $1.05

Added some Biorem Inc (BRM.V) at $1.50

Smallcap Discoveries

Select SEDAR+ Weekly Highlights

Reklaim Inc (TSX.V: MYID) Price - $0.145 Market Cap - $17M

Firan Technology (TSX: FTG) Price - $5.65 Market Cap - $135M

One Soft Solutions (TSX.V: OSS) Price - $0.80 Market Cap - $98M

Ztest Electronics (TSX.V: ZTE) Price - $0.29 Market Cap - $9M

Gatekeeper Systems (TSX.V: GSI) Price - $0.75 Market Cap - $69M

Decisive Dividend Corporation (TSX.V: DE) Price - $9.86 Market Cap - $189M

Cematrix Corp (TSX.V: CVX) Price - $0.38 Market Cap - $51M

Biorem (TSX.V: BRM) Price - $1.96 Market Cap - $31M

Zedcor (TSX.V: ZDC) Price - $1.12 Market Cap - $87M

Evome Medical Technologies (TSX.V: EVMT) Price - $0.26 Market Cap - $20M

Company Interviews, Updates & Free-For-Alls

This Week Schedule. * All FFA's happen after the video interviews/updates every Thursday. Use the same link for access to the FFA.

Topic: Nanalysis (TSX.V: NSCI) Update with CEO Sean Krakiwsky

Time: Apr 18, 2024 01:15 PM Vancouver

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