Subject: Smallcap Discoveries: February Earning Updates: HTL, CTZ, VGL, LTE, VMD, PTE

Smallcap Discoveries: 
Lots of Earnings Updates: HTL, CTZ, VGL, LTE, VMD, PTE
Over the last month, we got earnings updates from nearly half the companies we cover. We’ve discussed many of them on the SCD forum. The forum is THE best place to get immediate, play-by-play discussion and analysis whenever our portfolio companies put out news. If you are not signed up for the forum, email our Customer Support team at
Today, we’ll recap all the action over the last 4 weeks. 
Hamilton Thorne (HTL)

Hamilton Thorne (HTL.V / HTLZF:PINK) announced preliminary Q4 and FY 2018 results last week. HTL, you’ll recall, makes equipment and consumables for the in-vitro fertilization (IVF) industry. IVF is the miracle science that allows fertility-challenged couples have kids.
It was another set of solid financials. FY revenues grew 32% to $29.2 million and EBITDA hit $6.15 million (up 24% y/y). Q4 revenues grew 12% to $8.1 million, while EBITDA hit $1.75 million, up 26%. 
Here was CEO David Wolf’s comments on the results: 
“This was a record quarter for Hamilton Thorne. With sales of $8.1 million and adjusted EBITDA of approximately $1.75 million, we are seeing some of the operating leverage that we know is inherent in our business. Sales were positively impacted by significant growth in the Company’s equipment business in the US with our expanded sales force increasing direct sales of our own products and workstations integrated with third-party products.”
This operating leverage is key – earnings grew double the rate of sales. This means management can continue to hit “singles and doubles” and still deliver healthy returns to shareholders.
And with $13.6 million in dry powder on the balance sheet, we wouldn’t be surprised to see another transformative acquisition this year. This management team does have one of the best M&A track records we’ve ever seen.
The stock isn’t cheap, but we’d say it’s a fair price for a quality business and top-notch management team. We continue to hold a large position but remain open to taking a little off the table should shares get ahead of themselves. 

Namsys (CTZ.V)
Namsys (CTZ.V / NMYSF:PINK) reported FY18 results at the end of January.
Namsys, you’ll recall, sells currency tracking software. Their software powers “smart safes,” where physical currency can be deposited and instantly tracked and transferred digitally.
Annual revenues were $3.2 million, up 12% year-over-year. Q4 revenues were a record $852,000, up 20% year-over-year. And Namsys remained almost sinfully profitable with an 44% operating margin. 
The outlook looks good too. Here’s CEO Barry Sparks on the results: 
“2018 was a good year for the Company. The “Cirreon™” group of applications hosted and sold on a subscription basis continue to make excellent progress in the marketplace. Over the past eighteen months new Cirreon applications, of other components in our core “Currency Controller” software were adapted to “SaaS” offerings. We had hoped these new products would impact 2018 numbers, but the required changes in the modus operandi of the various market participants (primarily banks, currency carriers and insurers), impacted the rollout of these offerings. The outlook for the business in 2019 remains positive, with additional distribution agreements for new Cirreon applications expected to come on stream early in the year. These new products are in addition to our existing applications which continue to see growth.”
The highlighted commentary implies new products had little impact on 2018 performance – and yet they still grew double-digits. That bodes well for 2019. 
This company just keeps chugging along, growing every quarter and generating cash hand-over-fist. As long as that continues, we’re happy to hold this as a “coffee can stock.”
CTZ also continues to check almost all the boxes:

Vigil Health Solutions (VGL)
Vigil Health (VGL.V / VIGLF:PINK) released Q3 results last week. Results were disappointing across the board. 
VGL, you’ll recall, sells patient monitoring solutions to retirement homes and elderly care facilities.
Q3 revenues were down 17% year-over-year. New bookings were down 18%. The one bright spot is the company remained profitable.
Management says that while long-term fundamentals remain strong, certain regions are seeing reduced construction activity. We’ll be watching Q4 closely to make sure these trends don’t worsen.
Shares are pretty cheap, trading at 10X earnings. And with net income so low, a little topline growth could make a big difference in valuation. But for us to get excited, we need to see growth return. Otherwise this one may prove a dreaded… value trap
Outside of growth, though, VGL also checks almost all the boxes:

Lite Access (LTE)
Lite Access Technologies (LTE.V / LTCCF:PINK) announced fiscal Q1 results just this week. They had already pre-announced at the end of January, so no big surprises here. LTE, you’ll recall, leverages innovative fiber installation technology to lay fiber-optic cable cheaper and faster than conventional methods.
Here were the highlights:
  • Q1 2019 revenue up 160% to $6.8 million, compared to $2.6 million for Q1 2018
  • Gross margins of 31% compared to 8.7% in Q1 2018
  • EBITDA of approximately $747,000 compared to ($483,237) in the year ago period;
These strong results helped answer questions that have plagued the stock for years now: When will big contracts translate into actual revenue? What is the sustainable margin potential of the business? Can LTE turn profitable? 
We got a yes to all these questions with this one release. So why didn’t the market react? 
Our guess is it wants to see another quarter to confirm this wasn’t an outlier. And we know Gigaclear, who accounts for nearly 50% of LTE’s revenues, has had organizational issues which has delayed LTE’s ability to receive new work. So while Q1 had the benefit at operating near full ramp, we expect Q2 will see headwinds. 
The market has made it clear LTE must become more than a one contract company. We know this is a top priority for management, and will be watching closely for news they’ve closed a deal a deal as big – if not bigger – than the Gigaclear contract.

Viemed (VMD.TO)
Viemed (VMD.TO / VIEMF:PINK) announced full year results this week as well. VMD, you’ll recall, provides in-home respiratory equipment (ventilators) and services to patients with COPD. These patients are end-of-life, and VMD’s services help them live more comfortably – and longer. 
Viemed delivered 2018 revenues of $65.3M and EBITDA of $17.2M. That translates to revenue growth of 39% year-over-year and EBITDA growth of 43%. 
It’s classic organic growth plus operating leverage – just what we like to see. And what the market wants to see as well – shares are up ~15% since the news. 
We continue to hold as this team executes quarter-after-quarter.

Pioneering Technology (PTE.V)
Pioneering Technology (PTE.V / PTEFF:PINK) released their annual results last month. It was the conclusion of one of the worst years we’ve seen a company we own deliver. 
FY revenue closed at $4,800,000, down 54% from $10,300,000 last year. The company lost $1.6 million in Q4 and $3.3 million for the full year. 
Worse yet, Q4 revenue ($781,000) was the lowest revenue total of the year – the downward trends continues and loss continue to mount.
Could an end be in sight? 
Pioneering did announce the termination of 3 executives that were caught in a scheme to steal the company’s customers. Management believes this was a major cause of 2018’s poor performance. 
But whether these actions will prove the remedy they needed or just another distraction is too early to tell. 
This remains a tough position to play. Company performance has been abysmal but with shares trading around net cash, it may be too early to sell.
Make no mistake about it… we royally screwed this one up. We’re working on a case study and management interview to document what went wrong and how we can avoid a painful situation like this in the future. Stay tuned.
We’ll continue to watch for either a rebound in financial performance or an opportunity to exit our position at acceptable prices. 

Wrap up
That’s it for today. Over the next month, we are expecting results from other key positions – AEP, IPA and URL to name a few. We’ll be back for the play-by-play once those numbers are released.
To your wealth,
Paul & Brandon
Disclosure: Paul, Brandon, and Keith are long HTL.V, CTZ.V, LTE.V, VGL.V, VMD.TO, and PTE.V
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