Subject: Smallcap Discoveries: Adding AEP on Strong Q3 Results

Smallcap Discoveries:
Adding Atlas Engineered Products on Strong Q3 Results

13 November 2019 - Last Close: $0.53
Atlas Engineered Products (AEP.V / APEUF:PINK) released their Q3 results last week. We’ll dive into the numbers in a second, but here’s our takeaway:
After delivering two straight quarters of just about everything we look for – strong organic growth, improved margins, and continued profitability – AEP is now a top idea for us. We’ve been adding on the results, and note the chart is looking really good here:
Okay, let’s get to the results. AEP, you’ll recall, designs and manufactures wood trusses and other engineered wood products for the construction industry. 
After going on an acquisition spree for most of last year, AEP brought in new management at the start of the year to integrate, drive synergies and most importantly – get margins in-line with their profitable core operations. Q3 looks like a success across all these goals. 
Topline revenue for Q3 was $10,450,000, up 106% from Q3 last year. Gross margins stayed healthy at 25% and AEP delivered it’s 2nd profitable quarter in a row with $530,000 of net income. 
Growth looks impressive but remember – M&A has been a key driver from the acquisition spree last year. Let’s zoom in and see what really drove growth this quarter:
So while M&A was a big factor, driving almost 80% of the growth this quarter, organic growth was no slouch either at 38% year-over-year. Sequential growth was strong as well at 15% quarter-over-quarter, supported both organically and through M&A. 
Consistent organic growth is critical for any roll-up strategy. This proves the company is less dependent on external financing for growth. And any acquisition they do is immediately more valuable – because they’ve proven they can grow it. 
Now onto margins. Gross margin did decline year-over-year and sequentially. 
Much of that the company says is due to expanding product lines that carry an initial higher cost of sales. Once these new lines are established, we expect margins will bounce back as efficiencies are maximized – and of course they should bring higher sales as well. 
Now let’s talk about guidance. It was perhaps the only negative of the quarter. Here’s what management said last quarter:
The Company’s revenue objective for 2019 is to reach an annualized revenue run rate of $40-50 million with an EBITDA margin of 10-15%.
On a pro-forma basis, taking seasonality into account, management believes the acquisitions the Company has completed, the addition of new product lines and sales staff to specific regions, and the focus on improved costs, should enable those targets to be achievable, and now believes an EBITDA margin in the range of 15-20% may be achievable this year.
And here’s what we got this quarter:
The Company has adjusted its’ previously stated revenue objectives for 2019, with an adjusted goal of reaching an annualized revenue run rate of up to $40 million with an EBITDA margin of 10-15%.
The net effect is lowered revenue guidance, down ~10% from the mid-point, and lowered EBITDA margins from the 15-20% upside range. The lower guidance as we understand is due to 2 factors:
  • Project timing – some revenues shifting from Q4 this year to Q1
  • Project selection – we know management has turned down large projects that won’t deliver acceptable margins
Despite the lower guidance, we feel the story has strengthened and derisked that now AEP has proven they can:
  • Buy, grow and optimize acquisitions at attractive prices
  • Expand product lines and grow organically
  • Deliver consistent profitability 
And besides as we’ve talked about before, the company’s valuation tells us the previous guidance wasn’t close to being priced into the stock.
Bottom Line
This is a management team that continues to execute. And the proof is in the numbers.
Q2 this year was impressive. But one quarter is only a data point. Q3 is even better – and now we have a trend
And with that trend, we have greater confidence this company is going to be a winner – and should be trading higher than current levels. 
This one’s a buy for us under $0.60.
Disclosure: Paul, Brandon, and Keith are long AEP.V

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