Subject: Smallcap Discoveries: 3rd Annual Investment Conference

Registration now open:
Smallcap Discoveries Third Annual Investment Conference
Today we are announcing the third Smallcap Discoveries Investment Conference.
Last October was our second SCD-exclusive conference. Over 100 investors and 12 of Canada’s best smallcaps came together at the Pan Pacific Hotel in Downtown Vancouver, overlooking the oceans and the mountains. It was an amazing event.
This year we are coming back with the 10-12 best companies we find – and offering the same intimate experience you’ve come to expect.  
You won’t want to miss this. There is only capacity to host 120 people
Here are the details:
What: The Smallcap Discoveries Investment Conference - Third Annual
When: Thursday, October 17th
Where: Downtown Vancouver, Pan Pacific Hotel
Who: Exclusively Smallcap Discoveries members, plus a few select brokers, analysts, and institutional managers.
Format: Single-day conference. 30-minute presentation slots with group meetings throughout the day (2x1, 3x1, etc). Just like the last two years.
Cost: $50 Cdn. This is only so that we know you are coming. We are donating 100% of registration fees to charity. 
Already know you’re joining us? Click this LINK to register and let us know you are coming (we have a limited amount of space and recommend doing this as soon as possible). 
We might be biased… but this is our favorite event in Canada. We handpick the companies attending. And we ensure senior management is there to present and answer your questions face-to-face in breakout sessions. 
Just as informative are the other SCD members attending. Some of your favorite forum posters will be there and it’s always great to meet other members and share ideas.

Here’s what we know you’ll get at the SCD conference (that you won’t get anywhere else):
  • Exclusive access to the CEOs. We will be inviting of 8-12 of Canada’s best emerging growth companies. Companies like Immunoprecise Antibodies (IPA.V / IPATF:PINK)NameSilo (URL:CSE / URLOF:PINK) and Atlas Engineered Products (AEP.V / APEUF:PINK). Plus a few new ones we haven’t even written about yet....
  • Subscriber Dinner. The evening of the conference we will host a dinner exclusive to SCD subscribers. Come meet us and the many faces that make SCD so special. 
  • Cocktail Meet & Greet. Immediately following the event, we will host a networking happy hour. You’ll get the chance here to continue the conversation with fellow investors and CEOs you met earlier in the day.
  • Keynote Speaker. 
Remember, we can only hold 120 attendees. Spots will likely fill up fast.
Our goal is quality over quantity in everything we do. We want this to be an intimate experience. We will have the best companies and investors in attendance – and we want you to meet everyone. 
One last time, here is the LINK to register. Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Once we are sold out, registration will close – no exceptions (but we will be taking a waitlist).
Most of all, this conference will be a lot of fun. We have met so many great investors and management teams over the years. To get all of them in one place is something we get excited about every day. Trust us, you won’t want to miss this.
To your wealth,
Paul & Brandon
86 East 23rd Ave, v5v 1w9, Vancouver, Canada
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