Subject: RIWI Corp. Grows Q1 Revenues by 89%

Smallcap Discoveries
Our newest position, RIWI Corp, reported their Q1 2019 results yesterday. We’ll also cover their Q4 and FY 2018 results released in early March. RIWI, you’ll recall, leverages a proprietary web-based survey platform to gather data, track global trends, and deliver predictive analytics to clients. 
Q1 revenues were $674,000, up 89% from $356,000 in Q1 last year. The company kept expense growth flat and delivered another profitable quarter with $236,000 in net income. 
While Q1 growth was strong year-over-year, it was down sequentially over an even stronger Q4. Fourth quarter revenues were $826,000, up 61% from $514,000 in Q4 last year. Q4 was also profitable with $283,000 in net income. 
When we invested in RIWI, we noted Q3 2018 looked like an inflection quarter for the company. But we also knew we’d need to see another quarter to confirm the trend and increase our conviction in the company: 
Q4 results confirmed the trend and inflection point for us. But with today’s results, the trend has made a slight reversal. Why?
Management cites the US government shutdown, which delayed contract revenue recognition in the Global Security Business line:

“... the US government shutdown delayed our capacity to recognize certain of revenues during the first quarter of 2019. Further, the US government shutdown delayed the negotiation of new contracts. However, the government shutdown did not result in the discontinuation of any RIWI work in this sector.”
Since RIWI’s work was not interrupted – only their ability to recognize revenues – we’d expect to see a bump in future quarters this year. And beyond this business line, outlook remains very strong for this company. 
Have one look at RIWI’s MD&A – it’s a must-read. It’s one of the more bullish reports we can recall reading. 
Here are a few highlights: 
Management expects that our finance-focused clients, which together generated approximately 25% of our combined revenues in 2018, will grow by at least 150% in 2019 based on existing contracts and contracts in active negotiation.
RIWI’s Global Citizen Engagement business line accounted for approximately 45% of RIWI’s revenues in 2018, and, based on the growing diversity of inbound customer inquiries and continued long-term signed agreements, management expects its 2019 revenues to exceed 150% of its 2018 revenues in this business line. 
Outside of the finance sector, management foresees winning a diversity of long-term clients in the private sector…
Comments like these – along with the financial results – are clear evidence to us that RIWI has A) a unique, scalable model for gathering data and delivering predictions and B) these analytics are extremely valuable to clients. 
We expect this momentum to continue in 2019 and will be watching closely for contract wins in both the public and private sectors. We’ve been impressed with the execution of Neil and his team and look forward to what 2019 brings from this undiscovered company.
We’ll continue to look to add to our position on weakness. And we’ll encourage everyone to read Neil’s letter to shareholders – it’s a great primer on this management team and why we invested in this company. 
Disclosure: Paul, Brandon and Keith are long RIW:CSE
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