Subject: What Would You Do When a Second Disaster Happens During the First?

Should two disasters (or more) take place simultaneously, you’d thank yourself if you have a proactive mindset. 

Find out what to do based on some scenarios below. 

Hello Friend,

Power is out.

Experiencing a second disaster right when the first disaster is still happening is something we don’t want.

But this does not mean it is impossible to happen.

It does not hurt to be proactive and be ready during a series of unfortunate events. After all, natural calamities are beyond our control.

What we can do, however, is to develop a proactive mindset that be is reactive to sudden emergencies. This will lead to doing the right thing even during two disasters (or more) occurring simultaneously.

Below are some scenarios that may occur and ways on how to respond to them, thus saving money and more importantly, yourselves.

Scenario 1. Fixing house due to typhoon or hurricane then suddenly a fire happens due to short circuit.

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Mrs B & The Positively Practical Team

P.S. You may want to check our other articles here...

How Do You Survive A Hurricane During COVID-19?
Tips in Surviving After a Disaster on Your Own

Making An Improvised Gym At Home


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