Subject: Keeping Safe During A Civil Unrest

A violent act cannot be stopped by violence as well.

Of course, we shouldn’t allow inequality to continue, but we can express it peacefully.

Hello Friend,


As Dennis E. Gale, author of ‘Understanding Urban Unrest’ points out, mob violence mainly by the oppressed is triggered primarily by interracial events.  

Civil or urban unrest, also known as civil disorder or strife, is typically defined by law enforcement as a gathering of three or more people in reaction to an event with the intention of causing a public disturbance in violation of the law.

Examples include protests, different obstructions, riots, and sabotage.  

It is indeed the right of each individual to lift their voice and be heard especially when there’s a rise in inequality, rampant corruption, and slow growth in the economy to mention a few.

Anti-government protests create not only chaos in the streets.

In a wider sense, urban unrest can paralyze the nation’s economic growth.

Read Full Article Here!

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Keep Safe,
Mrs B & The Positively Practical Team

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