Subject: How Prepared Are You To Survive Natural Disasters?

If we check our history, some of the natural disasters have almost ended the world or wiped out one-third of humanity…

Frightening isn’t it?

No one knows when will the world end but once natural disasters strike, it seems like it’s already happening little by little.

So the question is, how prepared are you?

Hello Friend,


For the past few decades, natural disasters have been occurring around the world at a very alarming rate.

Hundreds of thousands of people have lost their lives or loved ones – from earthquake and tsunamis that demolished whole cities; volcanic eruption and raging wildfires that burnt every inch of thousands of acres; or storms that caused mass flooding, all are a tragic reminder of how natural disasters’ impact can be merciless and immeasurable.

If we check our history, some of the natural disasters have almost ended the world or wiped out one-third of humanity…

Frightening isn’t it?

No one knows when will the world end but once natural disasters strike, it seems like it’s already happening little by little.

So the question is, how prepared are you?

Are you certain that you are prepared before a disaster takes place? How about its aftermath?

Are you just relying on the technology we have and from the government and some private sector help?

What if an earthquake occurred today? Are you just gonna wait...


Read Full Article Here!

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Stay Safe,
Mrs B & The Positively Practical Team

P.S. You may want to check our other articles here...
How Panic Can Create Chaos

How to Deal with Long Power Outages

Disaster Plan in Surviving School Remedies

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