Subject: You're a winner!

You're a winner!

April 10th, 2023 at 5:00 am BST

You're a winner! Hi, I appreciate your loyalty as a subscriber. :) In a hurry? Click here... So, I want to treat you to something SUPER special... You’ve ...

You're Approved...

April 9th, 2023 at 5:00 pm BST

You're Approved... I wanted to ensure you've had access to this membership start-up guide? Hit this button right away... No longer will you need to wasteyou ...

Congrats! Open Immediately...

April 9th, 2023 at 5:00 am BST

Congrats! Open Immediately... Hi, I know we haven't met, but believe it or not, we are similar. We both have an interest tosucceed in the online businesswor ...

Decision Time Friend

April 8th, 2023 at 5:00 pm BST

Decision Time {!firstname_fix} Hi, How have you progressed so farin achieving your online goals? Can I ask you a serious question?... Do you really want to ...

Super Simple Challenge, do you accept?

April 8th, 2023 at 5:00 am BST

Super Simple Challenge, do you accept? Hi, We all need a helping handwhen starting out online, amI right? Well I've good news... My partner has agreed to me ...

Beginners Wanted

April 7th, 2023 at 5:00 pm BST

Beginners Wanted Hi, Take a moment to really soak in what I’m about to tell you... Most people are spinning their wheels and feel like they are moving tow ...

[No Subject]

April 7th, 2023 at 5:00 am BST

[No Subject] Hi, I was wondering... If you've ever dreamed ofworking wherever you travelto, or from home, listen-up!... Click here to find out how... There ...

Test it yourself Friend

April 6th, 2023 at 5:00 pm BST

Test it yourself Hi, How's it going? Last Christmas were you likeme and over indulged just a little too much?... All the chocolates and sweettreats are whe ...

No more ignoring messages like this...

April 6th, 2023 at 5:00 am BST

No more ignoring messages like this... Hi, Sometimes I get the feeling you're ignoring my messages. Don't ignore this one please... You really need to chec ...

You messed up

April 5th, 2023 at 5:00 pm BST

You messed up Hi, Has anyone ever screamed this at you?... "You screwed up!" "You never get anything right!" "You're fired!" I couldn't imagine having to go towork every day, k ...