Subject: Ever wonder what wealthy people do that creates sustained success?


Do you ever wonder why some people seem to easily bounce back from their troubles and keep on creating massive success in all areas of their life - while others stay trapped by their problems and never dare to pursue their dream - or quickly lose steam?

Well, it's time to talk about it! On a very Special IGNITE YOUR DREAMS!™ TeleSeminar today, I am sharing the juicy secrets and mindset tweaks that the rich and successful use to flip their troubles and make them the stepping stones to their success

Now you, too, will be able to master and use these techniques - because, let's face it, a trouble-free, all-rainbows-and-unicorns life doesn't exist, no matter your level of success. So you might as well learn to use your troubles to propel you to higher ground!

Join us for the FREE teleseminar tonightTuesday, November 15, 2016, at 7:00 pm PST - simply click the link below to register:

In this Teleseminar, You Will Learn 11 Keys to Turn Your Troubles into Your Highway to Success:
  • Why and how troubles are often stepping stones to Success
  • How you can turn troubles into your stepping stones to Success
  • How Passion and Purpose are related to Success
  • How having a Crystal Clear Vision helps guarantee Success and Prosperity!
  • The number one thing that stops people dead in their tracks from pursuing their Dream
  • 2 essential keys for tuning into your purpose
  • Simple thinking strategies that will guard you from fear, doubt and worry
  • What wealthy people do that creates sustained success
  • The number one factor that causes people to lose steam when going after their dream, and how to stay motivated to override it.
  • The 1 critical thing you must give up in order to be Successful
  • 3 powerful words that can override any negative belief
As you can see, this teleseminar will be packed with valuable content! 

Plus, after you register, I have 3 additional Bonuses for you:
  • a recording - "Your Call to Greatness", 
  • the “Passion and Purpose Assessment” and 
  • the chapter from my book, “Finding Your Dharma…Your Passion…Your Purpose in Life.”
Now, click the link below and register for the teleseminar - it's happening today!

Friend, I hope to talk to you on the call tonight! And Yes, I am taking questions - register for the teleseminar and I will let you know how to get them answered.

Here's to seeing opportunities in our troubles!

It’s YOUR Life! ~ Together, Let's Make It A GREAT One!

Your Partner in Believing,
Florence R. Rickards

MBA, Certified Transformational DREAMBUILDER Coach, Certified Life Mastery & Life Success Consultant, CHRP, RSW, CCRC, Cert. Professional Co-Active Coach

Ph: 250-868-1101; Fax: 250-868-1121;
Create a Life YOU Love Institute! Where Dreams Come True! Where the unbelievable becomes believable!

P. S. the price you will pay to realize your Dream is small, compared to the price you must pay for permitting your Dream to die!
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