Subject: Black Friday Only - First month FREE!

Hi, Friend!

We have only 34 days left in 2015. Too many people crash land at the end of the year in a pile of turkey and tears.

They get discouraged, give up, lose all momentum. (This is why New Year's resolutions don’t work). But let's remember that momentum is KEY and momentum is built by daily practice and daily practice turns into habits. And let’s remember that change is always possible!

Success and Realizing YOUR Dreams is possible! You are not meant to do it ALONE. Every great achiever had a MasterMind and a support group and a Mentor or a Coach or several Mentors and Coaches. 

Look at Dyana Nyad. She had a team of coaches and supporters to realize her dream of swimming from Cuba to Florida. She never would have realized her 30 year old dream without their support and help and without the daily practice she put in. Look at Oprah another great achiever who had a host of mentors and coaches.

YOU are a special, one of a kind, never to be repeated, ever again in the history of the universe, unique combination of talents, skills abilities, attributes and ways of being in the world. 

And, YOU have come to bring what only YOU can bring, to deliver what only YOU can in a way that only YOU can. No one else will be able to do it quite like you! There will never be another YOU!

You are special! And I see greatness in YOU. You are a Great Being - a Spiritual Being in human form having a human experience. Great beings know what their soul’s calling is. They know what their purpose here is. But, the human side of us will choose discouragement, not good enoughness, not enough money and a host of other reasons for not realizing the DREAM.

Here is your opportunity to receive the ongoing support and structure you need to finish 2015 STRONG with a Master Coach who believes in you and YOUR Dream and with a group of like minded individuals all working towards their Dreams and kick 2016 off with a real BANG! With the fire and drive and kind of support needed to build and maintain the momentum to realize your DREAMS! And to answer your soul’s calling!

BLACK FRIDAY ONLY! – Enroll in the IGNITE YOUR DREAMS!™ Program and Receive the First month FREE! 

Because this email is late getting to you, this offer is extended to 12:00 midnight November 28th.

I am looking forward to seeing you on the call December 8th, 7:00 pm PST.

Till then,

Florence R. Rickards

P. S. the price you will pay to realize your Dream is small, compared to the price you must pay for permitting your Dream to die!
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Create a Life YOU Love Institute, 1170 Brookside Ave, Kelowna, BC V1Y 5T4, Canada
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