Subject: ⚠️ Please be careful...

It stings like a 🐝 bee when I say


1. I know something bad may

2. The person I’m talking to
thinks I’m a no-it-all (ok,
there is some truth to that

3. I sound like someone's

4. The person usually does not
listen and soon regrets.

Now my family friend, let's
call her Lisa, is always on the
prowl 🐅for ways to make money...

She has numerous credentials
and licenses - so much so, that
all of them can barely fit on
her business card.🙄

If I showed it to you, you
would think it’s comical...

The ol’ saying A jack of all
trades, but a master of none...

That’s her!

She was so excited to share
with me her latest scheme.

Oh boy, here we go again!

This is how it works - at least
in theory...🤔

You send money to a stranger
and in turn other strangers
will send money to you.😮

It reminded me of one of those
chain letter schemes that were
so prevalent when I was kid.

Do you remember those?

I thought I’d get rich!

In reality, no one ever sent me
one single solitary cent!☹️

I was a pimple-faced pre-teen,
but I learned my lesson.

But what about her?

She’s fallen for these things
time and again.😆

Maybe it’s desperation…

Or just wishful thinking i.e.
what if it does turn out to be

I dunno.

What I do know is that it all
ends the same way as all the
other schemes she’s fallen

Corrisa I should have listened
to you!

Now I keep my opinion to myself🤐
- she never listens anyway.

The lesson here is simple...

If there is NO product or
service being sold - it’s a

The risks far outweighs any
rewards you could ever get.

Loss of money, time, effort,
reputation, and even your

It’s no fun being made fun of -
unless you're a 🤡 clown!

You don’t have to go to the
“dark” side to make money…

There’s plenty of 💰money to be
made with a real legit program.

Your partner in success,

P.S. What do ALL successful
online businesses have in

If you hope to ever make good
money online, you gotta know

I’ll explain later..

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