Subject: [PODCAST] How to Ace Your Private Practice Insurance Audit

[PODCAST] How to Ace Your Private Practice Insurance Audit

September 2nd, 2018 at 9:30 am EDT

Friend, If you are a therapist that takes insurance, it is likely that you may be audited an insurance company. Most of the time when we hear the word "audit" we PANIC and CRINGE. Audits may be a reason why some therapists may choose not to take insu ...

Earn More, Work Less: Thrive! - 21 Experts Come Together for a FREE Conference!

August 29th, 2018 at 12:30 pm EDT

Friend, Are there days when you feel like there is simply not enough of you to go around? You know what you “should” do, but…doing it… well, that is another story. Friend, it is time for you to THRIVE! You can learn how to take control of yo ...

EXCITING Announcement and FAVOR - Be Part of Creating our Marketing E-Course

August 29th, 2018 at 12:00 pm EDT

Friend, We are really close to wrapping up and launching our Marketing E-course and Group Coaching (yay… cheers...doing a dance, EXCITED) THIS fall. This has been a labor of love for over a year and a half now. We are passionate about supporting th ...

Friend, Join us at 12pm EST for some FUN GIVEAWAYS!!!

August 28th, 2018 at 6:00 am EDT

Friend, You probably have heard by now that we have reached our 100th Podcast Episode!!! We are still jumping for joy...but we want to pass along that excitement to you, #StartupNation! So, join us TODAY at 12pm EST on our Facebook Group for a Face ...

Our 100th PODCAST Episode - Answers to Your Branding and Marketing Questions

August 26th, 2018 at 9:30 am EDT

Friend, HOLY MOLY, Kate and I are still in disbelief that we hit our 100th podcast episode. Back in January of 2016, we decided to take our company from a Florida company to a global online company and our first step to global domination (hehe) was ...

[Podcast]. 3 Secrets to Writing Specialty Pages That Get You Clients

August 19th, 2018 at 9:30 am EDT

Friend, If you have been a part of #StartupNation Superheroes for a while now, you know how BANANAS Kate and I are about marketing. Marketing is one of the most interesting and sometimes most difficult things for business owners to master. Especially ...

[Podcast] Get Your Private Practice “PR Ready”

August 12th, 2018 at 9:30 am EDT

Friend, When therapists come into private practice or even when they are looking to grow their practice, one thing we all need is MARKETING. Marketing and sales is so important in business, it defines whether businesses succeed or fail. Which is why ...

[Podcast] The 5-Step Strategy to Make More Money AND Have More Time

August 5th, 2018 at 9:30 am EDT

Friend, I remember when I first got into private practice, almost a DECADE ago (please don't try to calculate my age LOL). I was excited to be my own boss, create my own schedule, have flexibility and to make more money. What I found over the years, ...

[Podcast] Building a Group Online Counseling Practice

July 29th, 2018 at 9:29 am EDT

Friend, Think about your biggest in private practice. Take your time...we will wait...(please cue the jeopardy music)... Most of you will probably say EXPENSES. One of the biggest benefits of having an online counseling practice is REDUCED expenses ...

Friend, looking for coaching to launch or enhance your practice? [OPEN ME]

July 27th, 2018 at 12:30 pm EDT

Friend, Have you heard about Your Badass Therapy Practice??? Of course you have! We RAVE about Laura Long ALL..THE..TIME because she is AMAZING. Well, just to refresh your memory, Laura Long, is a business coach just for therapists in private prac ...