Subject: What’s Inside Our Marketing E-Course?

Hi Friend,

We hope you caught some of the previous emails we sent about our own personal struggles and successes in private practice as well as the therapists we’ve had the honor of coaching.

Curious about what’s included with our Marketing E-Course + Coaching programs?

Here’s a sneak peek at what you’ll get when you enroll:

  • Creating a Solid Marketing Foundation - Learn the basics of building a strong marketing strategy for your private practice.

  • Understanding Your Ideal Client - Identify and attract your ideal clients by understanding their unique needs and goals.

  • Effective Networking & Referrals - Develop strategies to enhance relationship building/networking skills to increase referral opportunities.

  • Building an Online Presence - Establish and optimize your practice's online presence through websites, social media, and therapy directories.

  • Content Marketing Strategies - Create and distribute valuable content to engage, convert and retain your ideal clients.

  • Mastering the Sales Process - Learn techniques for converting potential clients into paying clients effectively.

  • Enhancing Client Retention - Implement strategies to maintain long-term relationships with clients.

  • Using Analytics to Drive Decisions - Utilize data and analytics to make informed marketing decisions.

  • Coaching to Help You Thrive: Get extra support and accountability with private practice coaching to help you implement what you’re learning in the course, totally recommend!

We’d like to introduce you to David - one of our coachees.

When he first joined the program, he was feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about how to grow his practice. The challenges seemed insurmountable, and he wasn't sure where to begin.

Throughout the course, he learned invaluable strategies for marketing his practice effectively and attracting his ideal clients. From refining his branding to implementing targeted marketing campaigns, the program equipped him with the tools and knowledge he needed to succeed.

As he applied the lessons from the course to his practice, he started to see tangible results. His calendar quickly filled up with ideal clients, and he found himself receiving more calls than he knew what to do with. Today, he is thriving!

If you can relate to David’s story, invest in yourself and check out the Marketing E-Course and Coaching Program. Join Now!

P.S: If you've reviewed the program details, but still have questions or would like to delve deeper before making your decision, feel free to schedule a consultation. Our private practice coach, Dr. Kim Grocher, has a few open slots available.

Stay Inspired,