Subject: What your practice + “The Shining” have in common

Ready for a story, Friend,

It’s Kate here, dropping in to share one of the creepiest experiences I’ve ever had (read until the end and it will all make sense).

Years ago, after graduating with my master’s degree, I took a trip over to Switzerland to see my sister, who was studying abroad in hospitality school.

Unfortunately, her school didn’t offer accommodations for family visitors, so I had to find my own place to stay.

I booked a room in this huge skiing hotel, which is normally bustling—but since I was visiting over the summer, it was eerily quiet.

A new family had just taken over ownership, and their young son (about three years old) loved riding his tricycle up and down the hallways.

If you’ve seen the classic horror film The Shining, then you already know the picture I’m painting here… but it gets worse.

I’ve always felt in tune with the energy and vibe of places, and when I was there, it was so clear to me that something bad had happened in this space.

I was alone. The rooms were padded. And I felt like people were watching me.

I was terrified to leave my room, so I didn’t—for two days. I was paralyzed in fear… even walking a few feet to the bathroom was a huge accomplishment.

This was before the days of international cell phones so I had no way of contacting my parents, who were supposed to be arriving the day after I checked in. Come to find out their plane was delayed, and I had no way of knowing.

After two exhausting and terrifying days, my parents finally arrived and I couldn’t have been more relieved that I survived such a crazy haunted hotel experience.

After checking out, we did some research and discovered that many years ago, the hotel used to be a sanatorium—an establishment for those suffering from tuberculosis or other chronic illnesses and often died.

Here’s what this terrifying experience taught me: When you get that pit-in-your-stomach feeling that something is off, trust it.

That goes for creepy hotels and everything else, including your private practice.

If you’ve been feeling off in your business lately, it’s time to face it.

Take some time to step back, get in touch with your intuition, and be open to new perspectives.

You’re not wrong and you’re not going crazy. Trust that feeling and take inventory.

Not sure where to start? We’ve got you covered…

The special offer for the flagship E-Course + Coaching program is still on!

TOTAL VALUE OF E-COURSE + BONUSES = $6,773 - But you can start for as low as $197/month

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To going with your gut (and staying inspired!),

P.S: If you’ve already reviewed the details about the program here but want to speak to schedule a consult before finalizing your decision, book a time here. We have a limited amount of slots left with our private practice coach, Dr. Kim Grocher.

Stay Inspired,