Subject: We want to share your story…

Hi Friend,

Katie and I are preparing for a special Podcast Mini-Series Called “From Tribulations to Thriving as a Therapist” launching next month.

We’re looking for therapists who would like to share their unique, inspirational story with Startup Nation.

We want to hear how these therapists were able to overcome various trials and tribulations and are now thriving in private practice.

If this is you or someone you know who wants to share their inspirational story, please complete this brief questionnaire.

Unfortunately, we are only able to choose 6 of these amazing stories to share in total.

We thank you for the amazing work you do and the impact you make in our world.

If we select your story, we will contact you to schedule your podcast interview recording.

Podcast recordings will take place during May 5th - May 14th.

The mini-series will be released Monday May 17th - Saturday May 22nd.

PS - Please submit your questionnaire NO LATER than April 21st.

Stay Inspired,